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  • I think we've waited too long to take advantage of the sled being here for the spring pull. I was all for it and then my head gaskets decided to let go. Probably more than a grand there and then I have to go to Denver,CO for Diesel Power Challenge and that's $400 fuel each way plus lodging .
    I appreciate you extending the helping hand but we did the math and it's going to take quite a bit of coin to get the 2.6/ 2.8 trucks in here. It's not worth it to try for just a street pull, I gotta get the guys from Ohio,In,IL to make it a real event. Once it's established it would be on the callendar every year for a lot of guys. I'll keep on the idea but there's a lot going on here. In addition to this I'm trying to get my house planned and semi-finish my truck before I incur that debt, pretty stressful at the least.
    chris i can help try to raise money for a pull here in town can talk to guptons to try o get a sponcer chris i am only trying to pull man i dont want fuss or have hard fillings just wanta pull springfield is our home town you i and kyle all have good running trucks we should work together to try to get a spring pull here i am sorry i was rude and out of place and i would like to help get a pull here so plz if anything i casn do to help let me know
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