Any info about starlog?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
just reading the release of csp. I see they mention "starlog" I checked your website and see nothing mentioned of it. I know the release is very recent however im curious about the csp switching options and I'm just checking them all out. Cool looking product.
Right now we are looking to be about 3 weeks from a small beta - we had some changes to go through with the way the process worked but think we've got it covered now and sorting out some final details on the data logging. We didn't like our original structure of how parts of the app worked (EDA logging and then uploading through a server wasn't going to work if you were using an android device at the race track that didn't have internet access) - so we've had some obstacles to overcome to make the app that much better for everyone.

That being said - our app will NOT be the flashiest looking product of all the apps that come available, but ours will be the best and support the most functionality as all the other app makers have their apps cover multiple vehicle platforms and therefore will end up possibly being a little more generic. Our app is VERY platform specific and only geared towards the diesel stuff.

our only other holdup right now is the hardware. Working on our quantity order and final pricing and hoping to release that info in the next week or so. We are using special hardware instead of some of the cheap stuff you can find out there - simply because the EDA logging has the potential to overwhelm older and slower android devices so we wanted to use 'good' hardware so you never had to worry about losing information in your data logging and reliability in your tune switching.

Hopefully the wait is worth it for everyone. Really excited to get this product to market and provide a very cool new tool to the Cummins crowd.
thank you for supporting the android platform...... you wouldn't know of a workaround for the MRUAME7 bootloader would ya? seems they have locked down rooting for now if you have that build number.
I don't know of a workaround for now... but haven't really dove into that. Not enough hours in the day to do what i'm doing and try to squeeze in some family time as it is LOL - but i'm sure the time will come.