
Comp Diesel Sponsor
Sep 1, 2006
I just wanted to end the year with a big Thank You to my CompD family. Even to some of you guys I don't like.:)
It's been another fun one. Thanks for a great site with a great group of folks. It breaks up my sometimes monotonous days in the truck repair world. Some days the entertainment is actually so good I forget to work.
That is awesome.

Happy New Year peoples.

Thank you and Happy New Year to you also Jeff! My package arrived today and for some reason I did not get any Tastykakes. My 3 year old little girl spotted them and I had to give up the cupcakes. I stashed the others for later.

Folks, there is no one person that will bend over backwards for the common man like Jeff will. I never need a serial #, I just tell him what I need and I see it in 2 days. MUMAU FTW!!!
Happy new years all it's been a wild and crazy year and next year it will only get better

Sent from my smartass phone
Happy New Year Jeff! Where's the party?
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happy new year everyone! i missed this site for a almost a year and am happy to be back on. you guys have a world of knowledge and ive somehow managed to not get verbally abused... yet. cheers to a safe new year!!!
Jeff, You're the Man!!!
Thank you for being so cool!

Have a Happy and Safe one Buddy!

have a good one bud, if its not that good, lets hope its at least a cold one.