Lucas vs Diesel Kleen.....

I've told BRE this story but thought I'd share. When I had his silver truck, and it had around 135,000 miles (somewhere in there), the IP started to make it idle like crap. What amazed me was, I could dump 10 oz of PS into the tank and once it got mixed and though the lines and to the motor, the idle would completely clear up. I thought it was a fluke so I did it a number of times. When I'd get below 1/8 tank of fuel (treated with PS) and pull up to the pump, once I started putting in new fuel and it got to about 1/2 a tank, the idle would go to crap clockwork. Add 10 oz when done...about 3 minutes, back to smooth. I finally put a new IP in the truck...but PS does have a little magic in each bottle.

My one wish is that it had a device on the top to measure and dump a preset amount into the tank. I'm not a fan of trying to dump 6 or 10 oz into the tank and using the little clear sight glass on the bottle. If you use a funnel and throw it in the tool box, it will stink to high heaven. When I had kids on bottles, I kept a pack of those 10 oz baby bottle liners in the truck. I'd just fill one up, dump it in, and trash the liner at the pump. I figured folks at the pump would think it was a condom....but I hoped they did...because they are HUGE! :hehe:

Self measuring bottle. Pitch that to 'em John. ;)

You sir... Are a different breed! Lol
I have been using Lubrication Engineers BTU+ for about a year, it def makes a difference in the engine noise and runs a little better. Ill try Power Service since im out of he LE, see how it does.
I've told BRE this story but thought I'd share. When I had his silver truck, and it had around 135,000 miles (somewhere in there), the IP started to make it idle like crap. What amazed me was, I could dump 10 oz of PS into the tank and once it got mixed and though the lines and to the motor, the idle would completely clear up. I thought it was a fluke so I did it a number of times. When I'd get below 1/8 tank of fuel (treated with PS) and pull up to the pump, once I started putting in new fuel and it got to about 1/2 a tank, the idle would go to crap clockwork. Add 10 oz when done...about 3 minutes, back to smooth. I finally put a new IP in the truck...but PS does have a little magic in each bottle.

My one wish is that it had a device on the top to measure and dump a preset amount into the tank. I'm not a fan of trying to dump 6 or 10 oz into the tank and using the little clear sight glass on the bottle. If you use a funnel and throw it in the tool box, it will stink to high heaven. When I had kids on bottles, I kept a pack of those 10 oz baby bottle liners in the truck. I'd just fill one up, dump it in, and trash the liner at the pump. I figured folks at the pump would think it was a condom....but I hoped they did...because they are HUGE! :hehe:

Self measuring bottle. Pitch that to 'em John. ;)

x2 on the self measuring bottle. maybe they could use the same idea as the bigger 2cycle oil jugs.
Just a little update, I have ran about 4 tanks with the DK and average almost 1mpg better than the LE I was running.
Ive been running Schaffers for quite a while, My fuel milege sux, guess I will swing by Johns shop and try some of the power service. My truck gets 14.6 currently and thats if you keep your foot out of it. We will se what happens.
My 04 is a lot like yours Dan, but on stock injectors right now. My driving is all in town, I went from about 14.5-15.5 these last few tanks with the DK. I am pretty skeptic on MPG claims, as most things never seem to change it, but this seems to actually be working.
I have been demo-ing RBPs fuel treatment and I hate that self measuring bottle! Id rather have a single bottle that I fill over and over to the correct dosage myself. as long as my foot is not in it I experience exactly what this truck is supposed to get in fuel economy. that 16.9 is my city MPG. my best is well over 23 in highway MPGs. I have yet to see any fuel economy gains from a fuel treatment in my truck. However I do not run my truck without some sort of fuel treatment.

Here is a link to my fuelly account.
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Diesel Kleen and other PS products continue to fly off the shelf! Everyone the grabs a small bottle is back for a big bottle!
Diesel Kleen and other PS products continue to fly off the shelf! Everyone the grabs a small bottle is back for a big bottle!

Not where I'm from, I hardly see it, unless I go to Wal*Mart.
I always dump an ounce in each tank on my semi every fillup and it definitely runs smoother than what it used to even with 1.3 million miles on it.
I must be the only one that over treats. I just eye ball it and over treat by a decent amount. I tend to be scared from day to day about mine being a vp and all. (When I drive it)
over treats? whats that? I get it free from John, so i pour away! 6 oz per fillup or so..
i wasnt told you could put too much in, so i do!
But i do have a 25 gallon tank to..
A lil off topic but has anyone tried marvels mystery oil for the lube end? Iv always used it and I seem to get 1-2mpg better using it but it has nothing for anti-gel. But it smells good and u can drink a lil if your constipated lol.
I run 2 cycle oil myself... I'll give PS a try next time I'm home