2018 Diesel Power Challenge Voting Edition


New member
Dec 4, 2015
I was listening to KJ Jones's morning live video yesterday and he announced the voting article would go on the website last night.

For anyone interested here it is!

2018 Diesel Power Challenge Voting #DPC2018

Me and my first gen were fortunate enough to make the list this year! Any other comp d regulars make the list?
Whoever it is sure knows how to stand out :)

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He's a quad-polar, lying, cowardice sack of sh!t putting it nicely. There's quite a few people that wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. That van is just an extension of his already inflated ego, can't imagine how big it is after getting into the voting.
He's a quad-polar, lying, cowardice sack of sh!t putting it nicely. There's quite a few people that wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. That van is just an extension of his already inflated ego, can't imagine how big it is after getting into the voting.

:pop: I.O.O.
He's a quad-polar, lying, cowardice sack of sh!t putting it nicely. There's quite a few people that wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. That van is just an extension of his already inflated ego, can't imagine how big it is after getting into the voting.

Now that we know the good about him, what is the bad:hehe:
He's a quad-polar, lying, cowardice sack of sh!t putting it nicely. There's quite a few people that wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. That van is just an extension of his already inflated ego, can't imagine how big it is after getting into the voting.

He steal your girl, kill your horse, jump a light and et you?!!!!

I mean dang, this sounds more exciting than DPC has been since UCC started.....!
I was a business partner that helped start the shop. Knew each other from college, well I thought i knew him. Moved 40k worth of tools from Texas to the great sh!thole state of Illinois when the oilfield went bust to start the shop. Should've stayed in Texas, first mistake was leaving. Made it about 4 months before he started having monthly mental break downs. Turned out he was a financial disaster from his farm and school loans and came pretty close to getting sued from it. So all his personal issues came to the shop and he basically used people's part money for his personal needs.
Learned he was a total hack when it came to mechanic work, customer relations and their vehicles. If a customer was pissed at him he'd cut off all forms of communication with them and run and hide when they dropped by making someone else deal with them. Doesn't respect people's property at all, that included my stuff. I got tired of having to go gather all my tools that he used and replace the ones he lost. So I locked all my **** up along with the other guys there. Started pulling my money back of the shop when it could spare it, usually after his monthly mental episodes.
Finally got fed up with all the drama and said I was leaving after I finished a few trucks. Got begged to stay, gave it one more week. Meanwhile he's got a customer coming down on his head about to sue because he's had their truck for 8 months and used it as a parts truck and used all their parts money. They start asking me what he's done with it and we figure out they've been spoon fed lie upon lie about it. They're ready to crucify him and he spins this sob story about how he knows he screwed up and he wanted to kill himself but he didn't know of a place he wouldn't be found. The wife of the guys truck eats it up and volunteers to help straighten his life out and the shop. So she comes in and starts taking over as secretary, gets all the records and info from me. Starts digging because he's told her that one of the guys that worked there has been calling our vendors and getting parts sent to him with the shop taking the loss. That's why the shop is in debt, just another spoon fed lie. She digs and finds were I pulled my money out. Tells him, then asks me what it was after he's already blown up saying I've been robbing the place blind. The moron knows I wasn't because he asked me all the time how much the shop owed me but lie he must. Somehow she sides with him after I prove everything with cold hard facts and records. I had started packing because I saw where this is going now. I'm informed I have 3 hours to get out, sure.... it's gonna take 2 days to load my **** on a gooseneck with multiple loads but whatever you say dumbazz. Digging continues... I owe the shop 12k by magical retard math somehow. I'm trying to pack while being hounded for records and account passwords. Which are saved on chrome under passwords..... morons. But I'm withholding them on a chrome account I no longer have access to... I continue to pack, town cop shows up to supervise me to make sure I don't do something. The secretary is ems, they're all buddies, great. I get most of everything out of there but they're keeping some of it because I owe them 12k, the shop doors get boarded up from the inside so I can't get in. Show up with another town cop about a week later to get remaining tools. She tells him I have nothing there, I start pointing sh1t out, she flips sh1t. Cop tells me he can't do anything even with the receipts showing him were I bought it before the shop was even around. Find out later the whole police department was "informed" about me over dinner at her house. While all this went down I didn't see the coward once, he wimpered orders and had her do everything.

Basically my tools, resources and myself was convenient for him to use and abuse but when I clamped that shut I wasn't convenient anymore. So I got lied about and threw under the bus for any damm thing imaginable after I left.
The dumbazz secretary finally figured that out and left after her family's truck was finished another 8 months later. The certified welder left a month after I did when he was told he wasn't worth $10/hr. The guy is good but they managed to throw him under the bus to.

Sorry for the book but this isn't even a fraction of the story. You hear all the stories about a shop that sends letters out for "slander". Trust me, this nut job in Illinois has him beat a hundredfold.
I was a business partner that helped start the shop. Knew each other from college, well I thought i knew him. Moved 40k worth of tools from Texas to the great sh!thole state of Illinois when the oilfield went bust to start the shop. Should've stayed in Texas, first mistake was leaving. Made it about 4 months before he started having monthly mental break downs. Turned out he was a financial disaster from his farm and school loans and came pretty close to getting sued from it. So all his personal issues came to the shop and he basically used people's part money for his personal needs.
Learned he was a total hack when it came to mechanic work, customer relations and their vehicles. If a customer was pissed at him he'd cut off all forms of communication with them and run and hide when they dropped by making someone else deal with them. Doesn't respect people's property at all, that included my stuff. I got tired of having to go gather all my tools that he used and replace the ones he lost. So I locked all my **** up along with the other guys there. Started pulling my money back of the shop when it could spare it, usually after his monthly mental episodes.
Finally got fed up with all the drama and said I was leaving after I finished a few trucks. Got begged to stay, gave it one more week. Meanwhile he's got a customer coming down on his head about to sue because he's had their truck for 8 months and used it as a parts truck and used all their parts money. They start asking me what he's done with it and we figure out they've been spoon fed lie upon lie about it. They're ready to crucify him and he spins this sob story about how he knows he screwed up and he wanted to kill himself but he didn't know of a place he wouldn't be found. The wife of the guys truck eats it up and volunteers to help straighten his life out and the shop. So she comes in and starts taking over as secretary, gets all the records and info from me. Starts digging because he's told her that one of the guys that worked there has been calling our vendors and getting parts sent to him with the shop taking the loss. That's why the shop is in debt, just another spoon fed lie. She digs and finds were I pulled my money out. Tells him, then asks me what it was after he's already blown up saying I've been robbing the place blind. The moron knows I wasn't because he asked me all the time how much the shop owed me but lie he must. Somehow she sides with him after I prove everything with cold hard facts and records. I had started packing because I saw where this is going now. I'm informed I have 3 hours to get out, sure.... it's gonna take 2 days to load my **** on a gooseneck with multiple loads but whatever you say dumbazz. Digging continues... I owe the shop 12k by magical retard math somehow. I'm trying to pack while being hounded for records and account passwords. Which are saved on chrome under passwords..... morons. But I'm withholding them on a chrome account I no longer have access to... I continue to pack, town cop shows up to supervise me to make sure I don't do something. The secretary is ems, they're all buddies, great. I get most of everything out of there but they're keeping some of it because I owe them 12k, the shop doors get boarded up from the inside so I can't get in. Show up with another town cop about a week later to get remaining tools. She tells him I have nothing there, I start pointing sh1t out, she flips sh1t. Cop tells me he can't do anything even with the receipts showing him were I bought it before the shop was even around. Find out later the whole police department was "informed" about me over dinner at her house. While all this went down I didn't see the coward once, he wimpered orders and had her do everything.

Basically my tools, resources and myself was convenient for him to use and abuse but when I clamped that shut I wasn't convenient anymore. So I got lied about and threw under the bus for any damm thing imaginable after I left.
The dumbazz secretary finally figured that out and left after her family's truck was finished another 8 months later. The certified welder left a month after I did when he was told he wasn't worth $10/hr. The guy is good but they managed to throw him under the bus to.

Sorry for the book but this isn't even a fraction of the story. You hear all the stories about a shop that sends letters out for "slander". Trust me, this nut job in Illinois has him beat a hundredfold.

Holy $hit!

Haven't even read it yet, but felt like I needed to take a downer and grab a snack just to be a ble to focus on the "paragraph"!

Thought it was a word search puzzle first since it was such a square shaped post!

Reading now....

Edit: soap opera $hit right there
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Damn dude. While I figured there would be a story behind it, I sure as hell wasn't expecting that
worst part is that its unique so it will likely get voted in...plus the cummings crowd will vote for it just to make a waste of a ford spot lol
Sounds like he should be "in his van, down by the river".
Just to be sure, you're talking about Vinnie Hobart and Hobart Performance Engineering correct?

So just to be clear shop trucks ARE allowed? As long as you aren't too successful they lit it slide or what?
That's what it looks like from the link Shaky posted

Well that may answer my question about how he can get 1200hp out of the injectors he's running, lol. Although the article could be wrong too. That seems to happen a lot.

Well that may answer my question about how he can get 1200hp out of the injectors he's running, lol. Although the article could be wrong too. That seems to happen a lot.


I was thinking the same thing but kept it to myself lol. Those Injectors and only running a single s369sxe?? Doesn't seem plausible