Single vs. Double ladder bars.


Taco Master
Nov 2, 2007
Is there and significat advantage of double bars over singles? I have gotten just far enough in building mine to where Im questioning the this. The only pieces I have built righ now is the plates for the bottom of the axle.

Single use 0.25 DOM bars
Duals use schedule 80?

Opinions on which setup is better.

Truck is a QC SB, will be a blocked rear suspension.

Check alot of rules I have heard that some places only alow single bars.

No ladder bar rules here.

Anyone else have experience with the 2?
if you make ladder bars i recommend putting a shackle at the front mount on the frame.


It seems to me a moveable shackle in the front is going to defeat the purpouse?
box the frame or it will crack. it's also a good idea to preload the traction bars if it's gonna be a dedicated puller
box the frame or it will crack. it's also a good idea to preload the traction bars if it's gonna be a dedicated puller

I think there will be alot of guys differ on the preload. I don't preload the bars I just take up a little slack.
i never had any hop out of mine, i also had only one inch of travel. Mitchell was the one who told me how to preload the bars
I've never preloaded bars, but seen several trucks that have and they seem to hop real bad.

Whats the benefit from preloading bars?
It seems to me a moveable shackle in the front is going to defeat the purpouse?

When you use triangulated double bars (lower picture in This Post) shackles are needed to allow the axle to move forward and rearward as the suspension cycle. Remember you are trying to stop the axle from twisting, not from moving forward. The shackle does however transfer the upward force onto the frame, and the "downward" torque on the axle, effectively eliminating axle wrap.

When you use a single bar, as the suspension cycles the bar will force the axle to rotate. This rotation often fights the natural movement of the axle. The forward movement of the axle, which is what the bars prevent, is an effect of the axle rotating with a center of rotation at the spring packs. Clear as mud?

Both styles are commonly used with little problems either way. Both work better than nothing.

i use these, kind of a take off of the glacier diesel ones and my axle doesnt move at all, they work perfectly, plant my front tires to the ground
I've been wondering this real hard for about 2 months now. I really like mattyboy72's triangulated bars. But, to play devils advocate, if you go read what lazar smith say's about traction bars, he says that the most crucial thing is for the bars to have the same angle as the driveline. So, I'm confused. Does angle only matter on a 2 solid point style traction bar? or does it matter on ladder bars with the pivot front too?
it only matters on 2 point style. triangulated bars with a shackle doesnt matter.

all i know is mine work like a champ, i didnt break nothing after 14 pulls and god knows how many passes on the strip
if you go read what lazar smith say's about traction bars, he says that the most crucial thing is for the bars to have the same angle as the driveline.

Well, I don't recall using that wording, but it doesn't hurt to have approximate swing arcs.
We all can't be as smart as you Lazar. I didn't mean to miss quote you. I just try and keep things "Barney style" simple. Since you're the man with the plan, can you tell us why you don't offer a ladder bar style traction devise? Is there any benifit to one over the other for pulling, racing?