Looking for some advice on a 2wd puller.

I'm still out of work. I'm Strengthening my knee and working on flexibility in therapy, I don't go back to the doctor till after Christmas, kinda puts a damper on the pulling truck since I won't be able to really mess with it until around January. It'll be tough to get it done by the spring.
I understand, everyone (besides workers comp) has been telling me to take my time and get better. Workers comp is starting to put a little pressure on me. Luckily my doctor works for the University of Tennessee, and not workers comp. He was going to keep me out for another month, then the workers comp lady said we needed to show progress, so he released me for work as long as I am sitting, and not lifting more than 10lbs. Since there's nothing I can do construction wise like that I'm still out and workers comp is still sending me my check. I'm hoping to get back to work around new years.
I'm feeling much better, I am starting to loose the limp. my Knee and leg is getting stronger. I feel as though I will be back to normal in the next few weeks. There is something else as well. I have now decided that I am going to build a shop, it all depends on what my finances are coming into the new year.
I go back to work Monday, no restrictions. Time to see full paychecks again.
i've been back at work for a few weeks, doing pretty good. I've got a little done on the truck, mostly a temporary frame to hold the front clip in place, and I'm stripping the back have of the truck still, pulled the tank, cut one of the boxes off, next is to pull the other box, and rip the flatbed off.
Ok, basic update is that I haven't done much. Been kinda busy. Anyways, I have my material for the suspension and ladder bars. I also have my mig welder set up finally. So I'm ready to start some work. Bad thing is that we're mowing hay tomorrow, and that means no free time for a bit. We also have 2 hay sheds to finish building.
Anyone ever see/hear of Dale with the The Gambler?!?! I sure hope he's doing alright.
Sup guys... Ive still got parts and pieces lying around to put one together.. hadnt really had the extra time to mess with it. but i guess i need to be getting to doing something... Ill start a new thread here soon...
