launch help


New member
Aug 11, 2014
HELLLPPPPP!!! I'm having trouble this year getting off the line for some reason. This year I've done 2 pulls here at home and been disappointing to say the least. Last year pulled at the fair and lost the little clutch I had, but still was able to go 209 before it let loose. This year I added the fuel pump,3" blocks and suspension blocks. Now I pull off the line and all it wants to do is hop. I've tried 3rd gear at 3000 rpms and 2nd @ 2k. Any help would be great. I'm pulling with the gassers since they don't have a 2wd diesel class here.:nail:
No traction bars yet. since I was pulling Farm stock last year, but they are in the works. Tire pressure is 50 lbs. And I must say its a dually too. Was thinking of dropping pressure to about 35# and seeing if that would help. I have an aggressive tire too may need to single or get some skins.
Higher pressures may help better. Spins the tires more than letting them bite.
I just don't want to break anything, I don't think I have quite the power to just hit the gas and power out of the hop yet. I think I may have time though we haven't got a 2wd class over here for me yet but I'm pulling exhibition for now.
Was thinking bout hitting a test and tune they are having near here this coming weekend and playing around with tire pressures and settings on tuner. I basically went from a tuner and intake to all the other mods this year. Its really a learning curve for sure.
First of all thanks guys for the comments and help. I don't know if this would be the place to ask this but here goes. What would be my next step for power? Turbo or stiks? I'm trying not to break into the engine just yet. Been kinda looking at the new AFE blade runner. I'm only looking for about a 600-650 hp daily driver/ puller.
Ever think of swapping tuners? Like going to a smarty UDC? Then you should be able to hit your goal with a turbo mod......
yes, but I also have thought I needed to run over to Ft Wayne and get them to get me a better tune. I'm looking at a bigger turbo to maybe handle the air since I haven't done any work on the motor yet. ie bigger injectors, cams. I'm new at this and since there are no 2wd diesel pullers in this area yet but me, I'm debating on going too big just yet.
The only bad thing about traction bars is it would bump me up a class,(a class that doesn't exist around here) and I don't think I have the power to run work stock. since I'm kinda building this truck on a shoestring budget. like I said earlier think if I find a less aggressive tire so it spin rather then grabbing too soon might help. Also would like to get more 2wd trucks in the area to get a class. Then we could get some rules for a class together for the powers that be. All in all the tract bars and turbo IS my next step to take! I would like to find drivers in the NW OH area that would like to met and maybe get some ideas on paper for getting a 2wd diesel class in the area.
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Maybe try clamping your springs down. How does traction bars bump you into the next class?!? I would do a smarty and a BW box charger little more budget friendly.
Maybe try clamping your springs down. How does traction bars bump you into the next class?!? I would do a smarty and a BW box charger little more budget friendly.

If I remember correctly, they don't have a diesel 2wd class, so he has to pull "farm stock" 4wd class. (No hanging weight, no blocked suspension, no traction bars.

Workstock is the next class for him. About 750-850 hp at wheels. Some are dedicated pullers for this class
That's correct Shawn!! since they don't have a 2wd diesel class I have to pull in what ever class I can get into. My last pull I had to run exhibition with the mod 2wd gassers since I'm set with the 30" hitch height. I'm a cross between farm stock and mod gas classes. Til I get more people wanting to hook in a 2wd diesel class around here I'm kind of stuck. when I'm allowed I run suspension blocks too so I don't know if clamps would help, but I may look into them.
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I'm going to be at Wauseon on Saturday for the pulls. If you know Mike Hahn's truck I'll be close to him since he's the one that got me started. lol Be looking for ya or we can meet up after work or something. Really want to get this figured out.
Hopefully good news I think there is a buddy of mine getting a 2wd diesel for a part time puller and transport for his gasser. I'm hoping he does so it might start a trend and a class for 2wd diesels around here. we will have to get together and get some rules so we don't over or under build. Like to have some 4wd guys want to just disengage the front drive and pull so they may have a chance to get into money too. Just a thought.
Try clamping the springs and taking the duals off set tire pressure to about 20 psi. you will really have to play with tire pressure for a little while to see what works best but tractions bars will help tremondous