Another prophecy unfolding...

I do plan on responding but need to say something more intelligent than my last statement it was late and shows haha.

I am happy that there are people that care about this though I feel fortunate.
I do plan on responding but need to say something more intelligent than my last statement it was late and shows haha.

I am happy that there are people that care about this though I feel fortunate.
Well, you have to admit the endless futility it poses. If it's it's something you need to get out, by all means do so. Your audience extends well beyond the people contributing to just the thread, sometimes things are said just to inspire thought, whether they are indicative of one's own beliefs or not.
Scott, I thought from more modern history, once a slave, always a slave, even 150-4000 years later :D

There is ZERO evidence the Egyptians had Jewish slaves and less evidence of a mass migration arcoss the desert. They were never slaves as mentioned in the first book of fairy tales.

Well, you have to admit the endless futility it poses. If it's it's something you need to get out, by all means do so. Your audience extends well beyond the people contributing to just the thread, sometimes things are said just to inspire thought, whether they are indicative of one's own beliefs or not.

Excellent point!!
There is ZERO evidence the Egyptians had Jewish slaves and less evidence of a mass migration arcoss the desert. They were never slaves as mentioned in the first book of fairy tales.

Excellent point!!
It wasn't something I had been overly compelled to research at any given point. :p
As true as any heavily edited, cherry picked, and/or abridged book of unknown origin.
Wade's only reason for starting this post is to get people going. We all know he does NOT even come close to following the bible (any version). With all the other garbage he spews you would think he would at least be able to quote exactly what and how but it's no different than any of his other post on his award winning racing program. If you believe that's great, if you do not that's great too but let's not try and use it the way Wade does.
So today I was doing manual mindless labor all day and had time to think. I came to the conclusion that it was arrogant of me to think that I would be able to just pull out my Bible or do some googling real fast and bam proof I'm right.

If was that easy there wouldn't be discussions like this.

During my thinkings I realized with help from an older much wiser man that just reading The Bible daily is not enough. So I am going to start to study. This way I can have intelligent conversations with other people. Instead of making grade school statements that can be disregarded with a simple "thats nice" or "no your wrong in my opinion".

So basically today was a good step towards me realizing the more I learn the more I realize I haven't hardly started learning yet.

Thanks CompD.
An apologetics study bible would be what you're looking for estrada. I'm in the same boat, have a belief & growing relationship with God, but feel woefully unequipped to go toe-to-toe with a seemingly well versed nonbeliever. And regardless of how knowledgeable anyone may become, at some point there comes the time when the two sides have to agree to disagree because neither can physically prove aspects of their argument & require opinion or belief or faith to acknowledge anything beyond that. I believe thats where its at on this board, the guys posting in here in unbelief do so frequently & its highly unlikely anyone on here will be changing their minds. Same can be said for the believers who are on here & openly post about it, its unlikely any of the nonbelievers are going to make any point that will make the believer throw in the towel & change their mind.
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An apologetics study bible would be what you're looking for estrada. I'm in the same boat, have a belief & growing relationship with God, but feel woefully unequipped to go toe-to-toe with a seemingly well versed nonbeliever. And regardless of how knowledgeable anyone may become, at some point there comes the time when the two sides have to agree to disagree because neither can physically prove aspects of their argument & require opinion or belief or faith to acknowledge anything beyond that. I believe thats where its at on this board, the guys posting in here in unbelief do so frequently & its highly unlikely anyone on here will be changing their minds. Same can be said for the believers who are on here & openly post about it, its unlikely any of the nonbelievers are going to make any point that will make the believer throw in the towel & change their mind.

Thanks for the words.
So reign this back in a little.
What entitles Israel to build a temple over where another religion claims their prophet ascended from?

As for the other discussion of education, why focus on one? There are so many more to learn.
I don't understand why people feel the need to go to one area to worship god? Did he not create the world? Therfore every spot should be holy?

I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs, just can't stand the arrogance of so called christians.
So reign this back in a little.
What entitles Israel to build a temple over where another religion claims their prophet ascended from?

As for the other discussion of education, why focus on one? There are so many more to learn.

What entitled the Muslims to do the same?

And regardless of how knowledgeable anyone may become, at some point there comes the time when the two sides have to agree to disagree because neither can physically prove aspects of their argument & require opinion or belief or faith to acknowledge anything beyond that. I believe thats where its at on this board, the guys posting in here in unbelief do so frequently & its highly unlikely anyone on here will be changing their minds. QUOTE]

I like you!!!

I stay out of this section for the most part out of a simple courtesy (except when Wade starts his undieing hypocracy). Though I occasionally try to get people to think, not just spout drivel (Wade).
I guess that did sound a bit loaded toward Islam. Maybe it should be restated