Misconceptions of the Non Puller

The whole truck puller vs. drag racer arguement never gets old... hahaha. Gassers are very loud but they are much cheaper than diesels. Your right, there isn't as much as a danger factor but truck pulling is more driver controlled which makes it fun for me. Anybody can set a trans brake or delay box...
Pulling is more Driver controlled? Ok buddy.

Apparently he's never gotten lose at speed. Even as slow as 60mph is a crazy rush!

Granted theres pulling everywhere and race tracks are thinning out
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Hell, even gettin loose off the line is a rush and sometimes bear to control.
Valid point. But you guys are drag racers and I truck pull and until either I set foot in a drag truck or car and you two set foot in a pulling truck we can't really bash each other, which we shouldn't anyways, its all about the fun isn't it???
i have to say you guys are arguing about higher end pulling/and drag racing. i have done both at a medioker level and to me they are both just a competition to show what you got. In drag racing you are going to have a lot more chances to mess up going rounds. In pulling you bring what you got and hope it enough.. both fun, esspecially if you winning. winning feels good. out here in drag racing your going 5-6 rounds againd a couple hundred guys on any given weekend. you win and you got lucky and unless you win often you got lucky and maybe know what you are doing.
in pulling once you get your truck set up its about picking the line of the track on any given pull, against maybe 15 trucks at our biggest pull out of the 10 or so pulls a year.. odds are your going to finish like the other 9 you do.. i know its not the same as it is back easy but to me its all fun and to have a truck that does all is what im about.. the rest is the driver.. do what you like and opinions are like azzholes everyone has one.. i dont need you to like mine.
There is alot of truth to that DEZLFREK. And i would say im at a medicore level of pulling but I've been around it my whole life and thats what i choose to spend my time on winning or not, its still fun. It's not even the pulling persay, its about meeting all of your buddies and having a good time but that 30 second run down a 300ft track is just an added bonus IMO...
its all for fun, the more you do of anything the more it is either to be more competative or because of the people you do it with and the latter is what most of us do it for anyway. its not like we make enough money to be a pro and thats what its for. if not you wouldnt be on here or argue about what better. both fun and to each their own.. id rather be lucky that good any day..
You guys remember the thousands of fans that packed the seats at the Scheid and TS drag race? Yeah me either LOL
Because those of us with all of our teeth are a minority in this sport :D
Because those of us with all of our teeth are a minority in this sport :D

I even still have all of my wisdom teeth! LOL so you could say that I have more teeth than a lot of drag racers :D

I just like giving drag racers a hard time. I enjoy making a trip down the 1320' every now and then.
There is alot of truth to that DEZLFREK. And i would say im at a medicore level of pulling but I've been around it my whole life and thats what i choose to spend my time on winning or not, its still fun. It's not even the pulling persay, its about meeting all of your buddies and having a good time but that 30 second run down a 300ft track is just an added bonus IMO...

I'll put it this way, Any time there is a local pull I'm in the stands. But I would not enter in one. So I'm not saying I don't enjoy the sport, it's just not my cup of tea. Now if I ever hit the lottery maybe I will build a pulling truck to try it out. But chances are slim lol
I tend to lean towards tractor pulling myself, more personal preference than anything. I hope one day to have the money and/or sponsorships to run in the super farm class if not higher. There is alot of variability in the pulling world, but I think the fun challenge becomes creating an equation that allows you to determine that variability and reign it in (i.e. understanding track characteristics by watching how they prep it, getting your weight transfer equations dialed in, understanding your transmission capabilities gear by gear, fine tuning the coeff of friction in the rear diff to minimize pull to one side of the track or the other). Power never seems to be the issue these days (at least in the advanced classes I've watched at L-ville, Gordyville, et al), it's always traction and ballast...fun things to think about and "tune." Off course, there is always luck of the draw in the pulling world too in where you end up in the lineup of machines.

There still is some danger in the pulling world..anybody remember seeing this at Gordyville?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPv_cxUGwYI"]John Deere Super Stock Tractor Looses Wheel at Gordyville Tractor Pull 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Three tractors lost a wheel at gordy this year. One was a broken hub, one an axle, and a prostock got weight wrong and came up on the wheel bars hard. There was one on wednesday aswell before the pull even started.
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Pullers can not even figure out how to do a tech inspection equally a week apart. I guess measuring a turbo is almost rocket science in the pulling world. I have only been to a 3 pulls in my entire life and honestly it was one of the most boring things I have ever witnessed. The inbreds fighting over the legality of a hitch was clearly the highlight of the day by the crowd noise. The drunken spectators showering each other in half chewed dip yelling at a truck doing 3 mph toward the end of the event was a close second of highlights.
About 4 years ago at local fair pull a guy had a bearing lock up in the rear end of his tractor and it took a turn straight to the crowd then he hit the brake and it turned the other way and it flopped and the sled hit him. That was hot farm.
Watched a guy last year break the hub on his tractor, weld it back on and go pull the next class. I also watched a procharged camaro that the guy just got finished for KOTS get loose hit the wall at well over 100mph and completely destroy the car. I like both for different reasons.

Sent from My phone while the Boss wasn't looking.