July Race - July 8th

So creed, I will bet on EStelly makes it this time, MDW, Bus, Jake, me and maybe Deranged???? Seems like a hell of a night! Less pro street trucks showed up at Ennis!
I don't know if I'll make it or not (work) but I'll try for sure have yet to run it since December and I have added a few things.
Not by any means saying we will be competitive lol but hopefully this new p pump setup will be alot better and reliable then the damn vp. The new pump is very similar to what is on scotts mfdt.
If it's in by then it possible. Some of us do work out of town 7 days a week. Lol
Still got to play with the fuel so it doesn't do it again.
I think the undivided spacer I had in there had alot to do with the turbo meltdown :doh:. I pulled the turbo off my new race truck last week and sure enough I used an undivided spacer again but no damage had yet to be done. I have a new t3 divided spacer on the way though.
I would like to try and make it out in my single cab... hopefully i can have the motor and tranny in it out of my blue dmax and see what it can do. I had a blast last TDS running with creed! We have a few guys going to the track this friday night, would be nice to see some faces out there
So less than two weeks out who is gonna make it? Truthfully if just me and bus make it with one guy to click the tree off I am good. lol
The HRD biker gang will be out in full force. Picked up #3 today. :)

Maybe we should get leather jackets made. ;)
Three bikes? Damn.... jackets are a must.

Well looks like we have 5 other possibilities for ps trucks. Anyone heard from Stelly?
Were planning to make it the trucks back together just waiting on injectors to come in they should be here middle of the week.