New Airdog, Plastic brakets???

This is why i was looking at fass when the lines went precut. Now that its a plastic bracket I'm sad to say but I won't be buying airdog. Such a shame to see a great company to down hill so fast.


Glad I can get a fass 240 for less than an airdog now.
Not trying to bash Anthony he's helped me before, just trying to see how reliable these new brackets will hold up.
Saw this last night at like 10 p.m. Not scared to answer guys. Just been REALLY busy. I'll give you the scoop on everything that I've read hear. Even things that don't pertain to brackets that have been stated. I feel I can openly chat with folks here and they don't get offended so I'll give some smart ass comments along the way as well. Just so you know it's me and not some professional business dude LOL.

Brackets first. Yes they are plastic, no I don't like them as much as the metal brackets BUT they are not going to break. I have higher up's that I answer to as well and they are in place for now. It's not just some plastic they make toy cars with. You have no reason to worry about them breaking. It's no different than all the guys that said the quick connects are plastic and are gonna break blah blah blah. How many have had that issue now in the 3 years they have been out???? I'll be not a single person.
The only thing about the plastic bracket that is no good is it's to flexible. It bends as you tighten. However, if you snug it up it actually holds to the frame just fine. If you "tighten" it up and it starts to bow and isn't flush with the frame and can move. Snug it up and some lock tight and your fine. It's not the 80's anymore folks. There are other alternatives to metal these days.

Warranty issues. No doubt that we have had a high number of warranty issues this year. I apologize greatly for it and wish we didn't. HOWEVER it happened trying to make the pumps better. Just a year or 2 ago everyone loved AirDogs, they are so great etc etc. Well we set out to make them even better. No excuses, we had some issues along the way. More than one actually. I'll tell you what happened there. We made a change internally to our pumps, did lots of testing, everything worked great. Boom, it his the market. MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE!!! Not cheaper. Well as they get in the field we start seeing brand new pumps failing. Get them back and find fuel to be leaking past the seal. BUT not where the "seal" is. But where it's pressed in to the base. Found out why and back to the drawing board to redesign this seal. Redesign takes time THEN it has to be manufactured. During that time the original is in the field increasing the warranties still. The biggest pain of the entire thing was it was hit and miss. And it didn't show up on our testing usually. Slowly it passed fluid and boom fuse pops and it's toast.
Now, new seal is designed and in place. Been in place for a few months now and I PERSONALLY watch the warranties VERY VERY CLOSE. So far the new design is great. All of these warranty issues you see are not what has been going out the door for the last few months. Yet pumps that have sat on dealers or distributors shelves. I can't make them disapear so I have to work through it. Yes phones became MUCH busier and harder to get through but we always take care of our customers.

Now to some other topics to get you to trust what is said above. As you can see I won't hide behind an issue. I'll gladly work it out and won't give up til it's fixed. Will we lose sales and dealers, yes but that's part of it. We lost dealers because they said the quick connects were cheaper (they aren't, they are more expensive) and were going to break etc etc. Show of hands to see how many have had one break? Or even had an issue with one. Absolutely we have had one or 2 leak here or there. But they are VERY RARE!! They aren't anything less than what comes on your factory truck now. They don't leak so why would ours? Folks don't like change and I am one of them. I HATED the quick connects. I gave it no chance and was forced into working with them and they have been great!!

Fuel lab pumps. Good pumps if you run them on kill and don't drive them everyday and expensive as hell. Just because they don't have a shaft seal and allow fuel to run inside the motor doesn't mean you have the problems of electric motor's solved. Those things aren't made for longevity. There is a thread on here somewhere that I asked the people that did the testing from NADM to come on and chat. But they never did. They claimed all this higher flow bull chit better than AirDog blah blah blah blah blah. So I personally bought one and tested it. Given who they are getting their marketing advice from. It's no wonder I found their numbers to be a lie when I tested them. The numbers were nearly identical to the AirDog. BUT you will sacrifice life span. And air separation HAHAHAHAH!!!! Pop open that DO NOT OPEN container and see what you get. What a joke! Talk about a horribly designed/engineered pump!! I won't tell them why. I'll let them continue to put them out and people will see why eventually. Our goal is daily driver trucks. If we have a pump that will run a big nasty drag truck or puller. So be it, I'm all for doing it. BUT I'll be the first to tell you if i can or can't.

Did I miss anything? AirDog is doing VERY VERY well. Any of you that have switched want a pump to try to show you I'm not lying? I didn't proof read this before hitting post so sorry for any mistakes or if I missed anything.

EDIT: AirDog prices haven't increased in more than a year. We have put more money in them but not increased the price. And when you compare apples to apples on fuel systems on the market. AirDog's are cheaper. I'm almost positive of it. Might check your prices again. Most compared AirDog II systems to a fass and they are close in price. Compare regular AirDog's with a fass and tell me the price. Thats an apples to apples comparison.
But they now have a facebook, so direct question there. She works in accounting if I'm not mistaken. If I had a billing question, I'd call her. Tech question I'd call Anthony/Tech Line

FYI my wife doesn't work here now. We had our first baby so she is playing the role of momma right now. Nobody is trying to avoid you guys. It's monday, its been very busy here and I'm just getting to it. I'm still at the office actually. Cutting the cord. I have a brand new daughter at home waiting for me. Feel free to ask any questions. There is nothing to hide. I mean if you don't like it. I'll just kick your asses....:hehe::kick:
FYI my wife doesn't work here now. We had our first baby so she is playing the role of momma right now. Nobody is trying to avoid you guys. It's monday, its been very busy here and I'm just getting to it. I'm still at the office actually. Cutting the cord. I have a brand new daughter at home waiting for me. Feel free to ask any questions. There is nothing to hide. I mean if you don't like it. I'll just kick your asses....:hehe::kick:
Forgot that, i remember reading that a while ago actually, now that you mention it.
The only reason anyone is jumping the creeper wagon is because you have a thing for the lady, however I dont.

So what? My wifes not creepable enough for you? LOL Don't sweat it man. I don't mind and I doubt she does. She loves the diesel industry and enjoys trying to help out. Honestly it probably made her day to know you guys thought of her to contact. She's weird like that. Me on the other hand, I'd give anything for you guys to lose my number and email address and leave me the hell alone. LOL
Officially out of here for the night. Home has called a few times. Chumps prob got me in trouble with the wife.
So what? My wifes not creepable enough for you? LOL Don't sweat it man. I don't mind and I doubt she does. She loves the diesel industry and enjoys trying to help out. Honestly it probably made her day to know you guys thought of her to contact. She's weird like that. Me on the other hand, I'd give anything for you guys to lose my number and email address and leave me the hell alone. LOL
Officially out of here for the night. Home has called a few times. Chumps prob got me in trouble with the wife.

LOL. Sarah is a beautiful lady and so is my Sara...hell my Sara even said she was beautiful. She has been ALOT of help to me in the past on FB so I cant see wtf these guys see as creepy about chatting with her on there. My guess is only a creeper would pull the creeper card or a chump trying to start something. Thanks for the well typed out reply Anthony. Im gonna keep on keeping on with the AD's after that!
So is this big, thick, tough hard high-impact expensive plastic, or cheaped-out weak and thin Fisher-Price-type plastic?

Because I wouldn't hesitate using 1/4" plastic for a fuel pump bracket...
This is a great question. I'm glad someone would consider the composition of the "plastic" before passing judgement.

The brackets are 35% fiberglass filled Nylon structural "plastic" with thickness of 3/8". The brackets are not going to break as long as one doesn't get ignorant with the install.

Look at all the posts... A bunch of speculation about the plates might break, non about the plates actually breaking. The plates have been in use for 7 or 8 months with 0 warranties!! Those are the facts.
I'm just amazed people are this scared of plastic.

I haven't had an issue with them yet. I don't go crazy when I tighten them tho. I'm just skeptical about longevity... I've actually never had a warranty claim on a Airdog pump....
I do not give a phuck what anyone says, there is no way I would even hang a pump alone on plastic. I bet that will work out well in an accident when that pump flies off the truck. And using loctite even close to plastic is a big mistake. It says so right on the bottle and I learned the hard way on some motorcycle plastics. It will soften that plastic even if it is not directly applied. Just search online about loctite and plastics.
I do not give a phuck what anyone says, there is no way I would even hang a pump alone on plastic. I bet that will work out well in an accident when that pump flies off the truck. And using loctite even close to plastic is a big mistake. It says so right on the bottle and I learned the hard way on some motorcycle plastics. It will soften that plastic even if it is not directly applied. Just search online about loctite and plastics.

I have a feeling that if you crash hard enough to dislodge the pump, rip off the hoses, ect. the pump flying around UNDER the truck will be the least of your concerns...
You can tell when winter is half over. CompD turns into CompDrama lol. All I got from this thread is, Airdog uses plastic brackets that nobody has had breakage problems with. Chris and Scott each have secret hater clubs on compdrama. Did I miss anything???
Show of hands to see how many have had one break? Or even had an issue with one.

The quick connect fittings leak air on the suction side and create pump cavitation issues that burn up motors. Oh well the motors are warrantied so well just leave Airdog replace motors. Not my problem and I'm sure hell not sure why I'm telling you how to lower and/or eliminate warranty claims!

I've been watching this thread and reading others on other forums trying to decide on what pump to buy. Imo, the average misinformed person who is comparing ad, fass, and fuel lab is going to look at the quality of the parts included with the pump. If i was said person, i would see the plastic mounts, connections and would think that that kind of quality is also put into the construction of the pump itself. Ya the price is cheaper but if I'm going to spend several hundred dollars on a pump i want to buy a quality piece. That's were the plastic would make a person turn down a ad. Just my .02

Sent from the recliner butt naked