profab dropbox/reverser


New member
Jun 5, 2006
I just wanted some opinions on the profab billet transfer case/ reverser. any advantages of this unit compared to just buying the reverser and transfer case seperate? and who makes a better setup scs or profab?
ProFab is the only way to go, Larry's service is second to none.We have used his products for years on a few projects.
RAMpage said:
I just wanted some opinions on the profab billet transfer case/ reverser. any advantages of this unit compared to just buying the reverser and transfer case seperate? and who makes a better setup scs or profab?

Yeah, I am probably in about the same situation as you are and curious as to which is the better way to go. I havn't looked to much into the actual combined unit but am thinking it would take away to intermediate shaft but you would really have to lenghten the rear drive I right in thinking that?

RyanB said:
Yeah, I am probably in about the same situation as you are and curious as to which is the better way to go. I havn't looked to much into the actual combined unit but am thinking it would take away to intermediate shaft but you would really have to lenghten the rear drive I right in thinking that?


Yeah i would like to have the drivetrain under the truck by early to mid summer next year so i figured id ask now and get some opinions. yea the driveshaft would have to be pretty long i would think.
It would be intresting to see if anybody has actully seen a falure in the Profab or SCS stuff were they were 100% sure it was what failed and not broken as part of another part failure i.e. universal, driveline etc...

BigBadDodge said:
It would be intresting to see if anybody has actully seen a falure in the Profab or SCS stuff were they were 100% sure it was what failed and not broken as part of another part failure i.e. universal, driveline etc...


Yeah Scott, your running SCS right? I have called both places and am not really sure which I would like to go with. I am actually amazed at the prices being almost cheaper than my NV5600/241HD case. I am really thinking about going up to the rockwells next year first and its pretty reasonable from SCS on that too. The only big money pit I think there is going to be is that 12" between the engine and the reverser!!!!!!!

Anyone have average prices on a 3 or 4 disk clutch, Can,adapter plate and starter plus the hydolics for the clutch? I am guessing its quite a bit! I havn't talked to Haisleys yet about it as its not in our rules yet but hopefully will be this year or next. Thinking about it now...It will probably happen for the 2009 season instead of the 08 season.

several pro fab drop boxes have failed. scs has yet to loose one without some type of outside cause( hitting it on trailer or drive shaft hittin it hard). larry is a great guy but the attention to detail is seen a little more on the scs boxes. if you notice the profab boxes whine going down the track, its from rough finishes on the gears. it causes heat stress and wear. scs boxes are quiet, you could shave your face looking in the gear. pollished and smooth. i spent a lot of time on this looking before i bought. i could go on. im not bad mouthing larry just what i have found in my search.

i got prices on both and scs was about $1000 more but if your getting a little better product i guess it would be money well spent. I'd also like to know what guys thought about clutches or what their using. im looking to go with a 4 disc. anyone have opinions on haisleys? or crower?
Before I purchased Chris's truck I was going to back half the other rig and came up with the same thing, approx $1K more expensive for the SCS stuff and they haven't failed at least that I am aware of. I thought I had heard back then that the Pro-Fab stuff had failed a few times but thought perhaps it was just rumor that made it out this way : ) I often wondered why some trucks wined and other didn’t while going down the track makes sense now thanks.

WPE built this truck with SCS stuff and its impressive looking to say the least.

We are using a Crower 4 disc.

p-pumped said:
several pro fab drop boxes have failed. scs has yet to loose one without some type of outside cause( hitting it on trailer or drive shaft hittin it hard). larry is a great guy but the attention to detail is seen a little more on the scs boxes. if you notice the profab boxes whine going down the track, its from rough finishes on the gears. it causes heat stress and wear. scs boxes are quiet, you could shave your face looking in the gear. pollished and smooth. i spent a lot of time on this looking before i bought. i could go on. im not bad mouthing larry just what i have found in my search.

What was the cause of the Dropbox failures???
Our gears whine in the 5 spd box, And we make ALOT more hp/torque then a 5.9 Cummins will ever think of doing, With zero failures.
RyanB said:
Yeah Scott, your running SCS right? I have called both places and am not really sure which I would like to go with. I am actually amazed at the prices being almost cheaper than my NV5600/241HD case. I am really thinking about going up to the rockwells next year first and its pretty reasonable from SCS on that too. The only big money pit I think there is going to be is that 12" between the engine and the reverser!!!!!!!

have ya looked at the tires and rims yet , iwas surpised on that pricing
Yeah, I have looked at them but for now its DOT tires...I figure that most of the modifieds were running them in alot of the pulls up to around the 2005 season so for me to stick with the tires and rims I have its not to bad there. I have priced out my drive train and have a few intrested in different parts and I am only comming up a few K short...thats not including the clutch though.

thanks for the opinions guys. i got some time to think on who im gonna go with but scs is looking pretty good
Dont forget to look at Bob Molinari for your clutch needs...Might as well explore all options before buying.
BGarofalo said:
Dont forget to look at Bob Molinari for your clutch needs...Might as well explore all options before buying.

ive never heard the name before. whats his business's name? maybe ill recognize it

Great guy, Chris Watson told me about him, come to find he is in SOCAL I bought some stuff through him mid season, great guy to work with. It's my understanding he used to work for Crower and decide to branch out on his own.

When useing a i piece unit -the whole deal still gets mounted back about where a stand alone drop box goes.Then you run a intermediat shaft to a snout that bolts on the clutch can and the from the snout to pilot bearing you have an input shaft.I just priced the following setup from profab for 688 cube alky truck.
one piece unit w/3 sets of gears and shielding
3 disc clutch-6 stand
8 1/8 blowproof can
throw out bearing
The grand total was $8750.
P.S. if you tried to mount your one piece unit up by the can your front drive shaft would be way to short and your back drive shaft on a ext. cab truck would be like 11 feet long.
Before we had got our 3sp from profab I had contacted SCS and Profab to talk about pricing and gear ratios for our 2wheeldrive Larry [profab]was the only one that called back about my project.That is where our money went.
Input shaft,Soport bearing.Couplers,3sp twin countershaft trans.$5100.00