
Active member
Feb 26, 2008
on my over head temp/comp thing every once in awhile CCD will show up on there i hasnt done it in awhile but does anyone know what the means?
The bus as to which the overhead console gets its data from which is connected to the PCM, timer modules, etc, etc, etc, is called the "CCD Bus". I going to assume that it flashes when you have a bus failure. It would seem to be a lose connector or dirty connection to me but who the hell knows where it would be. That bus connects a whole boat load of crap.
The bus as to which the overhead console gets its data from which is connected to the PCM, timer modules, etc, etc, etc, is called the "CCD Bus". I going to assume that it flashes when you have a bus failure. It would seem to be a lose connector or dirty connection to me but who the hell knows where it would be. That bus connects a whole boat load of crap.

Coming from an electrical engineer no less,....................sorry ramtough01 you're screwed =P :hehe:
My thought is the screen doesnt work below a certain a temp and displays that message then.
The screens are LEDs, not LCD. Liquid Crystal Displays don't like the cold, like my Attitude monitor. The Light Emmitting Diode display shouldn't be affected. It could however be the circuitry behind the display but I wouldn't think so. I think you are just not getting CCD bus data to the top. When things get cold, they shrink (don't look down :hehe:) this includes copper conductors inside of insulation (wires). If you have a broken wire, the conductor can get cold enough to pull apart inside and make contact when you hit a bump or what not. Just an idea. I hope you find it.

Edit: And if the display works well enought to display "CCD" in the cold, it should work well enough to display the right data.
on both my trucks if it gets cold my overheads will read ice
