Need favor: Those with APPS% display.


Jan 22, 2007
If some of you that can view your APPS% on an attitude or other device, can you do a short test for me? As you can see in the video, the APPS% will go from 0 to 98% if you move the pedal real slow. If you slam the pedal down, it hits a new number everytime. You can hear my foot stomp it and watch the display go to 81, then 59, then 62.

Is this normal? The "idle" readout below the APPS readout is the "idle switch" in the APPS. When it is "at idle" position, it shows a "1". Once the pedal moves off idle, it will show a 0 in case anyone wonders what the hell that is. :D

Feedback? Is this working correctly?
This all started when once in a while, when I stop the truck, the APPS% would stick on 3% and the idle switch would not confirm. The only way to stop the truck as it would not turn off with the key was to pull the "shutdown timer wire" from the edge out of the fuse. I think this is an unrealated thing, the edge part, because today it was fine when I started it and I bumped the pedal to 3% and turned off the key. The truck will run with the key off as long as you have the pedal pushed. I did not know this. The shutdown timer is turned off. So I've ruled out (in my mind) the edge being suspect.

Anyone seen this before? There was a lot of debris in the mechanics between the APPS sensor itself and the spinny thing that it engauges to. I cleaned everything. Maybe it was binding up and won't do that again. But...WTH will it not hit WOT when I slam the pedal? Just never though it would act that way.
Judis Preist....I almost called you last night, Travis. I ain't talked to you since OSU kicked OU's ass in foot-em-a-ball. You mad bro? :hehe:
Your not letting you turbos cool down long enough.

I was thinking that also. :lolly:

It's just wise to check the ground first, any decent electrician knows that it's almost always a ground.
Well, I now have a test jig to power and test the APPS on the bench. I must not be that bad of one. LOL

It acts fine on the bench, just weird in the truck.
When it's on the bench, and you go to full (100%) throttle does the truck rev up?
No the turbo barks and it bucks really hard, I wet myself, and then forget my name for about an hour.
Butt-head: Check it out. They put this dude in a fence.
Beavis: Yeah, yeah. Fences are cool.
Butt-head: Especially electric fences.
Beavis: Yeah, yeah.
[starts busting a rhyme]
Beavis: When I was little and had no sense, I took a whizz on an electric fence. It hurt so bad, It shocked my balls. Then I took a crap in my overalls.
Butt-head: Woah. That was pretty cool.
Beavis: Yeah. Heh-heh-heh. Yeah.
ive got an angry isb as well, ill see what mine says in the morning.
This is post #17 and not one thing about what any other trucks say.....THIS is COMP D! :hehe:

The ECM may be limiting the "rate of change" but it should eventually creep to 100% or close I would think. Just wondering if this used APPS getblown send me a few years ago is on it's last leg. I know I've put 80,000 miles on it and no tellin' how many miles it had when I got it. I've got another one but it has a bad spot around 18-20%....cruisin' speed. It flutuates a tad.

May end up with a Timbo soon. :D
I replaced mine with one from him a few months ago. Seems to work just fine. It was cold when I did it, so I need to go back and check it and set it to 0. I don't have the fancy display attitude thingy, so I'm no help there. Sorry Jory.