Another prophecy unfolding...

Old testimate law has been done away with. We're not under law but under grace since Christ died for us(to those who accept him as saviour). The one verse you found. Does not explain the dozens that warn against it.

Common sence. Along with the warnings and woes...


You say that yet over half of what you quoted is OT.

There is warning against being a drunk but nothing against drinking.

Again, you know nothing of the bible you claim to quote and you sit there arguing everything you've been taught. Google is an amazing tool but you use it as a crutch.
I am 100% certain that God does not care if you have a beer with your dinner.

Wade....stop it with the "1 brain cell and a Bible to quote" method you're using.
I am downright disgusted at what this thread has become. Dirtymaxx, Kickstart, Unbroken, Purn, and a few others, I apologize for some of the bickering that has gone on between some Christians about their faith.

I am a Christian. I make mistakes and sin just like every other person in this world. That is how we were designed the second the apple was bit in to. I can personally say I try my best to do what I personally feel God would want me to do. As I help a brother or sister, I help Jesus as himself.

I do not criticize and hound any non-believer about their faith, because I believe that's how I would want to be treated. But I will do my best to be a good representation of the joy that comes into a persons heart when they accept Jesus as their lord and savior, and hope that non-believers see the joy I have then realize just what it means.

I'm sure this is where somebody will bring up some discriminating post that I have made in the past. Oh well. I'll accept it and live from it. That is what a true Christian should do, instead of disowning their mistakes and acting like it never happened.

I just hope you realize that some Christians take their faith much farther than the church, and that there is only one totem pole in Christianity. The lord stands on it, and were are all equal. Non-believers, Christians, or undecided. We are all loved the same.....
If you know the OP, you will realize this thread has nothing to do with religion or christianity. He is advertising for new customers to suck in and rip off to pay for his new dragster etc.
Amen to that 90. The fact of the matter is that you all, who have put so much time and effort into bickering about the good book & it's many interpretations just to be in spite of each other may be missing an important point. We are all brothers and/or sisters in his sight. Brothers in faith, family, DIESEL, whatever. Some of us may soon enough be brothers in ARMS. This world has proven itself time and time again to have ways its ways of dealing with B.S. like what I am reading here & uniting the good in this world. We should be closer now than ever despite our differences. Because after all, we have way more in common than we don't. I have read many of most all of you all's posts since I joined up in '09, and none of you seem particularly evil if I do say so myself. I like to think of CompD as THE top shelf diesel knowledge source. We should strive to set an example, not tear one other down. Please do us all a favor, don't argue in God/Jesus's name.
Anyway, there is a giant curtain in Heaven to separate the Wades (baptists?) from the rest of the crowd so they can go on believing they are the only ones there.
1 John 4:21. And he gave this command, whoever loves God must also love his brother.
I know I have sinned and if any of us here say they have not, your not being very truthful. I just find it hard to believe that we are supposed to let the other people here all this misleading BS. I'm not sure what twisted way Wade's mind works but he needs help and I think we can all agree on that one.
I know I have sinned and if any of us here say they have not, your not being very truthful. I just find it hard to believe that we are supposed to let the other people here all this misleading BS. I'm not sure what twisted way Wade's mind works but he needs help and I think we can all agree on that one.

Everyone sins its are human nature to sin. That's why its so easy to do.

Being Christian doesn't mean that you don't sin, it just means that if you read your Bible and go to church you should be aware of your sins. Admitting your sins, asking God to forgive them and then repenting of your of sins is the way it has to be done for Christians (if I'm not mistaken, but that's how I have heard many times) Sometimes on a daily basis. Satan uses our sins against us to make us feel unworthy of Gods grace and trys to separate us from God this way.

Misery loves company they say. I've read the book and know how it ends for him.
1 John 4:21. And he gave this command, whoever loves God must also love his brother.

Everyone sins its are human nature to sin. That's why its so easy to do.

Being Christian doesn't mean that you don't sin, it just means that if you read your Bible and go to church you should be aware of your sins. Admitting your sins, asking God to forgive them and then repenting of your of sins is the way it has to be done for Christians (if I'm not mistaken, but that's how I have heard many times) Sometimes on a daily basis. Satan uses our sins against us to make us feel unworthy of Gods grace and trys to separate us from God this way.

Misery loves company they say. I've read the book and know how it ends for him.
