Depressed about weekend of April 21st


Active member
Oct 21, 2007
So, I'm pretty sure this had crossed my mind several months ago, but I figured surely NHRDA in Ennis, TX would be earlier in April...... It's almost always one of the first weekends in April. I don't get to hit a ton of events, and didn't get to race last year. I was planning on hitting Ennis and Tulsa, but wanted to go to UCC this year, especially for the Expo and little Seminars.

It freaking sucks having UCC (AKA probably the biggest event of the year) and NHRDA Ennis (45 minutes from my house) the same dam weekend.

Ok, just wanted to vent. bif :bang
So it'll probably end up being like finals a few months ago, not many people showing up?
Since UCC is happening that weekend too, I may just skip ennis and stay home lol
Yep, sucks that the diesel scene gets new events or events get bigger, then they split weekends so the count goes down. Just part of growing, I know.

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