Injector sealing washer thickness?


New member
Jun 24, 2019
‘97 12 valve. I had my head milled .018” 6 years ago. I was running my 5x.013 sac injectors with the thin .5mm washers with good results. I had to remove my head to fix a weeping head gasket. My machinist cut it another .004”. Would I be ok to run the thin washers again? Or would it be good insurance to move up to the medium thickness ones? I’m using a standard thickness head gasket too. My block has not been touched. Right now I’m at 19* timing. I might advance it a little in the future. Thanks!
.004 is the thickness of a single hair. I would still use the thin washers.
A sac nozzle is 0.040" shorter than the factory VCO nozzle which also used the thin 0.020" bottom gasket, you'll be fine.