Guitar Pickers and SDX 2013


Jan 22, 2007
Any of you'in's that pick....bring your axe. It'd be cool to set around a case of beer one night this year and learn some new songs and maybe pick up a thing or two from someone who can actually play music. :D

Any pickers planning on comin' out this year...nose pickers excluded.
I'd love to sit and listen to a Banjo after a long day of watchin' #2 getting burned at an enormous rate. :D I don't do blue grass....but I love to listen to it.
If rooms come through, I'll bring the Yamaha.
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If rooms come through, I bring the Yamaha.

If they come through, let me know. I'm fixin' ta get something lined out. I don't really want to sleep in da truck. ;)

I'll have at least Jonathan and JW might come with me too. Jonathan will have Takamine in tow also.
My wife told me I did a good job playing her Fiddle last night....does that count?

Posted from the IPhone while driving with my knees in the wrong lane.
[ame=""]Uncle Pecos Tom and Jerry Crambo w/ lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
I own a banjo. After a few beers it might sound like i can play decently. :lolly:
Phils wife's fiddle should count. Have her bring it, and I'll have my wife bring her bongos.
Ill come and get drunk and wait until everyone else gets real drunk and then we can beat up some beats.