Ban political posting and delete political subforum?

Very simple. If you don't want to read a topic then don't.
x3. Allowing the Hamilton vs Smokem hatred and bashing to go on is far more detrimental to the forum's image than any political topic.
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we can do that?

More info on ignoring the whole section please.

I don't use the new post button, I just go through the sections and see which has new posts and go from there. The political area is one I don't click on, ergo, I ignore it LOL

Could you please make this possible? Hitting the new post button is a joke somedays.

I will see what the tech wizard says, Vbulletin can be funky at times.
I don't use the new post button, I just go through the sections and see which has new posts and go from there. The political area is one I don't click on, ergo, I ignore it LOL

I will see what the tech wizard says, Vbulletin can be funky at times.
I gave the tech wizard the PHP code to ignore certain forums in the 'New Posts' button, but it never got used. Not holding my breath for that one.
On second thought... Yeah, lets just ignore that fact that our country is about to become dick-taster-ship and our freedoms are being attacked by the terrorist in office..

If we ignore them, the problems wil Fix Themselves!!!
You kids that dont want to hear about politics don't cry when the epa cracks down on your stacks, or your fuel pumps, air cleaners, big tires, etc.
To me, it's like going to the fish camp and ordering a hamburger, to me.
You kids that dont want to hear about politics don't cry when the epa cracks down on your stacks, or your fuel pumps, air cleaners, big tires, etc.

Hell, the state trooper just harrassed me about the stack and the big tires just last week! :hehe: This country is going straight to hell.