

New member
Oct 21, 2015
Just wondering if anyone on here has used or heard of OnShape. It's a cloud based C.A.D program that seems to be configured after Solidworks.

My Boss' brother showed me it the other day. He says he'll likely be switching over once they bring out the sheet metal functions, since the boss and him own laser shops and that's mostly the type of designing we do on SW.

Just wondering if anyone has used it first hand. Price seems reasonable and often times I'll have people ask me "could you make me (blank)" when I'm away from my computer (typically in a social setting). With a good browser based system, situations like that would only need me to log in on their computer.

here's a link Full-Cloud CAD | Onshape
Honest opinion, I hate Onshape. I've been liking Autodesk's Fusion360 for at home stuff. I have full access to my shared library online.