5” Exhaust

Screw that.....respectfully of course…. :hehe:

What is the draw to the dual output?

personal preference honestly.
out grown my 7" mitre stack fascination. don't really want to do the same system I had on a diesel truck back in the 90s.
want to go outside of the box for a little while
Gotcha. I'll honestly probably move back up to a 5" when/if this truck ever gets back to a single stack. I'm a huge fan of simplicity with the absolute minimum amount of parts and clamps. I will damn sure spring for stainless next time. I didn't on this 4" stuff on this truck...and its already rotted to hell. Not a fan.
the older I get the more I love the simplicity of things. 20 years ago I'd spend the weekend making my own TBE system from sticks of tubing.
Now I'd rather buy a stainless kit (so something will be shiny down there), weld it together and slap it on