Current Bible prophecy--Must watch!

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NGM Diesel
Jul 8, 2006
[ame=""]Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - The Harbinger - Prophetic Events Point to the Tribulation Tetrad in 2015! - YouTube[/ame]
This forum is for the Diesels for Christ get together & events dates & times....
Amazing video pretty incredible how it all ties together.
Wade, I feel if you wanted to spread the word of God, you should come to my door and tell me about it.
Maybe this is Wade's wife posting. I banned her account. You just never know.
Amazing video pretty incredible how it all ties together.

Thank you for spending the time to watch it. As a fellow Christian, im sure you can appreciate the accounts of this current prophecy.

this should get us in motion as the light unto the worlds darkness. and make a positive difference.

Here is his preaching and going deeper into the Prophecy,
[ame=""]The Harbinger II - YouTube[/ame]
Funny how you pull some of the **** you do in one thread, and come back on the next with this. Do you think you posting this video means you will be forgiven for the last thread?
I don't trust guys in purple ties. Or anyone on the 700 Club.

TV + preaching = lies/deception/mistruths/hypocrites.

Oh....I see how this post all fits together now.

Carry on Wade. Or Mrs Moody.
Funny how you pull some of the **** you do in one thread, and come back on the next with this. Do you think you posting this video means you will be forgiven for the last thread?

The post you refering to was me letting frustrations, and facts out. If you've never been frustrated by another or been done wrong by another and lashed out, then please throw the first stone...

I dont seek your forgivness, But Gods.

This thread is meant to awaken some dry bones... and help the lost to find the light(Jesus Christ). Hopefully though faith in Christ lives can be changed.

Im certainly not a perfect example, but My LORD is. Through Christ i can do all things....He proves this to me almost daily.
I bet Christ wasn't anywhere near as hypocritical as you are. The mouth says one thing while the hand does another....that applies more to you than any scripture.
I don't trust guys in purple ties. Or anyone on the 700 Club.

TV + preaching = lies/deception/mistruths/hypocrites.

Oh....I see how this post all fits together now.

Carry on Wade. Or Mrs Moody.

It was just a interview. But if you can watch it, Try an open minded approach.

I bet Christ wasn't anywhere near as hypocritical as you are. The mouth says one thing while the hand does another....that applies more to you than any scripture.

The words, sinless and perfect describe Christ. i am none of those...
It was just a interview. But if you can watch it, Try an open minded approach.


I did. I figured out the 700 Club and most all other TV based religious shows are just that. Shows. This interview, IMHO, proves it. Wonder how many books he will sell from it.

All religion should be banned from TV.
It is not America that needs God, but American Christians.

Interesting but context is everything. This is SPECIFICALLY a prophecy for Israel and Israel alone. Super powers come and go. Egypt, Israel, Rome, Britain, USA, China is next followed closely by India. Yes prophecy can happen but it is not meant for us. To use the Bible as a means to justify what is happening now is not right. Revelations is about the end. Everything else is about history and how to live a Christian life.

Wade, you need to read the Bible, not post links to people talking about a couple verses.
So is CompD rejecting any Christian comments / postings??

Is it possible to post it witout backlash? (Regardless if it's Wade, me, or anyone posting)

Just so I'll know for the future...
I did. I figured out the 700 Club and most all other TV based religious shows are just that. Shows. This interview, IMHO, proves it. Wonder how many books he will sell from it.

All religion should be banned from TV.

Thats the problem. Folks want less and less of GOD...He wants a relationship, not religion.

He is judging our nation, right before our eye's. Because we have turned our backs on him and soon Christ will return and those who are unprepared will be left to go throught the great tribulation...Scary thought!

I wanna ban reality shows, everything except history and weather...LOL
So is CompD rejecting any Christian comments / postings??

Is it possible to post it witout backlash? (Regardless if it's Wade, me, or anyone posting)

Just so I'll know for the future...

Nope...just Wade. He's proven on multiple occasions that he's a Christian in name only. He doesn't walk the walk in any way, shape, form or fashion.
It is not America that needs God, but American Christians.

Interesting but context is everything. This is SPECIFICALLY a prophecy for Israel and Israel alone. Super powers come and go. Egypt, Israel, Rome, Britain, USA, China is next followed closely by India. Yes prophecy can happen but it is not meant for us. To use the Bible as a means to justify what is happening now is not right. Revelations is about the end. Everything else is about history and how to live a Christian life.

Wade, you need to read the Bible, not post links to people talking about a couple verses.

Now before you jump off your high horse let me remind you that there are SEVERAL end times prophecys in the bible and books that its located in.

ezekiel, isaiah, daniel, mathew, mark, luke, john, and revelation. are the most notable, but there are others.

also know that i went to Bible school and have a better than average scope and background in Bible study...and it continues today.

isaiah 9:10 is based on Gods judgment on nations that declare themselves under GOD,then turn away. and if you've read Isaiah then you know that God judged them because they turned there backs on him, his judgment is warning of looming destruction. they didnt listen and he destroyed the temple they origonally built for him and there city and homes... They vowed "we will rebuild"

So did america! we vowed 3 times we will rebuild, in the midst of the calamity, without knowing that our issue wasent that the stuctures wernt strong enough, or our defenses wernt strong enough, but that our Faith and our trust in God wasent strong enough.

All of this happened right where we declared this a Godly nation, and on ground zero is where God destroyed the towers,and then the same stone was used to rebuild....Quarried stone and the same siccamore tree was torn down and ezre tree took its place!!!! Same as in ISRAEL!!

After all this we STILL vowed Gods judgment on our nation....We will rebuild!!

Is there an out? Yes 2nd cronicles 7:14

Rest's on the first three words...

"IF My People"which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from there wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven and forgive there sin and heal there land!

Please i challenge you to research this, you will find the truth if you choose to seek it.
Nope...just Wade. He's proven on multiple occasions that he's a Christian in name only. He doesn't walk the walk in any way, shape, form or fashion.

Because you've sent so much time with me...
BTW its the heart that God looks at, not the False acusations of others..

I still love ya.
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