AFC Live on 13mm pump

Most customers are quite happy with the Stage 2 AFC LIVE. It has the tuning knobs for regular street use and a kill mode switch if you really want to pour on the fuel. With a 13mm pump, you might still use a fuel plate in conjunction with AFC LIVE so you can limit your "kill mode" fueling to a reasonable amount to match your turbo system. Most trucks don't really want or need 900+ cc's of fueling at the flip of a switch! For customers with healthy 13mm pumps, we usually have them install their #0 plate (rack stop) at the max they'll ever use, say 750 or 800 cc's so that when they use the full power mode switch, they don't have the ability to drown their engine and turbos with fuel. On a max effort 12mm pump, usually the 550 to 650 cc's is still manageable so most guys follow recommendation to remove their fuel plate and allow AFC LIVE full control of max fueling.