Thanks Bill


Search never works
Oct 4, 2010
I just wanter to thank Bill Fletcher for his help and suggestions when I was going about doing the cam. Thanks again!
I don't think that's a secret. Bill told me that himself.

That is very good for you. To some non knowing, it has been. For argument's sake, No one on here grinds their cams. They're Re-sellers, plain and simple!
I really don't see what matters so much about who grinds who's cams. They all have proprietary profiles that give them a competitive edge in the sport, pick the one that suits your needs and be happy.

I've used cams from Hamilton, Fletcher, Haisley and a few from a name that I don't care to advertise. I'm not going to say one cam is better than another and neither will I say one is worse, they all have unique characteristics that set them apart from another making one better for a certain application than another.

I think it's awesome that we have guys like Bill and Zach who are willing to put time, money and passion into cam design so guys like myself do not have to deal with a cam grinder to come up with a custom cam profile.
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