Returned phone calls


Project bish
May 9, 2007
What's the expected wait on having phone calls returned, much less other matters handled?
I left a message on a late friday afternoon & got my call returned monday morning. He'll get to ya, bet patient... Shanes a one man army!
Well that's funny, I called him Monday morning.

He's been on here at least twice since I started this thread, no response whatsoever.

Does he not check his own sponsor forum?

This goes back farther than just Monday morning though.
I've been harassing him about a leak on my CP3 for months and he still manages to get back to me in a timely manner. Hell, I wouldn't call me back LOL
I've dealt with Shane a few times, good people. Be proactive, leave another message. Sometimes, things get lost in the hustle and bustle. Not necessary bad customer service, just life.
I second that.. But he does have a good amount of phone traffic to deal with. Not only his customers, but others that are looking for a "phone diagnostic" owner-operator-mechanic-developer-reception-designer-implementor-techline-customer service rep. Call him again after a couple days.
I don't think yall get's not like I just called him for the first time last Monday.
Also, the way I understand it, Brandon is a pretty loyal customer of this shop.....
So what's the deal Shane? A phone call telling me how this matter is going to be handled is not too hard of a thing for you to do. The truck is going back together soon and if I have to pay for something that you told me you would warranty I'm going to be just a bit more upset than I am now. Several calls and messages and no response, I'm still waiting.......
So what's the deal Shane? A phone call telling me how this matter is going to be handled is not too hard of a thing for you to do. The truck is going back together soon and if I have to pay for something that you told me you would warranty I'm going to be just a bit more upset than I am now. Several calls and messages and no response, I'm still waiting.......

Preach on!! Another member is having the same issue as well.
Wicked was supposedly changing their name.
wowzers. Been hearing alot of not so good stuff about them. I was wanting to use their stuff when it came time for an upgrade. Not anymore!
Not good to hear. Hopefully Shane has just been out of the shop for a few days?
Well seeing as I was told it would be warranted at least 3 months ago, and the last time I spoke with him was about a month or so and he said he "just got some in" I'd think "out of the shop" doesn't apply. This is besides the last 2 weeks of no answer/ returned call.
Try Cummins Forum, he's posting on there quite a bit.