props to thee man !


Scarlet Fever
May 30, 2007
went to see Jeff yesterday and just wanted to say thank you.

He's great people, with a great shop and most of all, a great attitude. Service and after service are becoming a rarity any more but, at Jeff's shop it's alive and well.

I'd recommend him and his work to anyone !

anyone wondering... he had a website partnered with Dave Dunbar but, that site is no long alive. I believe he may have his wife build something for him so people can get to his info if needed.

In the mean time.... some insight into thee man :)...Jeff Garmon world
sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I'm 3 hours from him and 7 hours from where my motor was built. Both drives were completely worth it !

It'd be a hop, skip and a jump for you to Garmons :)