Lots of Spam Recently?


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I view this site 99% through tapatalk app on my phone, it really seems like recently there has been an increase in spam or is it just me? I report what I can, but geez! Seems like it's getting worse?
They are getting smarter too.

Saw a post yesterday about v band flanges for a turbonetics turbo...so i read it and though dang, I asked this exact question not too long ago. Then at the very bottom they sneak in the bootleg movies link. They copied and reposted my exact thread.
I wish I had the knowledge to send a flesh-eating STD to their IP address.
What the hell is up with the external links/video going on?
UNBROKEN's thread about his kid's car and **** starts playing?
and I had some other thing try to start over and over in my lower left corner.
Wondering if it is the site or mt laptop?
I wish I had the knowledge to send a flesh-eating STD to their IP address.

if you find out there ip address just spam them back. Plenty of free software online to fight back!!!!!!!! Acutally very easy to do ;-)
ah i like to play with spammers because they are a pita. I think of it as a benefit to society

Report the address to organizations like Spamhaus. Some network providers use these databases to build blacklists effectively blocking the address space from entering or traversing their network. If the address space is a customer on our network they get a nice AUP violation letter. If they are d!cks we terminate service and send a bill for the remainder of their contract. Problem is these guys usually find a shady provider that cares more about the revenue than good internet stewardship. We have ways of dealing with those providers as well ;-)
These Azzhole are getting Smarter about Spam.

They go in and get blocks of usernames and Passwords sell them to spammers, the Spammers physically log in find a random post Copy it, post it and add their Spam tag....So Hard to stop. They use that IP address once then move on.

So hard to stop.
These Azzhole are getting Smarter about Spam.

They go in and get blocks of usernames and Passwords sell them to spammers, the Spammers physically log in find a random post Copy it, post it and add their Spam tag....So Hard to stop. They use that IP address once then move on.

So hard to stop.

Trust me I have over 500 ip ranges on the blacklist and get more and more daily. Also problem is proxy sites. Those are a nightmare to manage.
So is it possible and probable that we can make registration for user name harder to get? Such as a 7 day waiting period? If someone is honestly wanting become member, and stay for a decade like a large number of us, surely they can wait 7 days. Would that help or just get spammed 7 days from then instead of the same day? How are they getting username and password blocks? I'm confused. Educate a hardware engineer how these geeks work.
I can Moderate all new users, but at times I can't always get to it. Yes it's an Admin thing...And no Jory you can't be an Admin. LOL