Hello Comp D family!!


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jul 8, 2013
Hello folks. I have lost all my other family so you all are all I have left. I have some confessions and apologies to make concerning members on here.

I am ready to tell it all. Ask me anything you wish and I will answer with all honesty and to the best of my ability.

Wow, been wondering how you've been, you had a lot of cool, out of the box ideas. Sorry to hear about the family, that sucks.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Glad to have you back, I'd wondered if you were ever going to make it back through here. Glad you did and sorry for the losses
I guess I should clarify lost. They are all mad at me over using illegal drugs.
Lol, no quite. Good old Kentucky blue grass which I later found out had some buds tainted with LSD. This was about the time the dual converter drive came into play back when. Lol
Welcome back man- we all make mistakes..... some a little more time consuming than others, but mistakes nonetheless..

The question is, what did you learn?
I learned to get a trusted source. For my own reasons, mainly to avoid the man made opioids, I am a lifer.

I certainly learned to regulate as well. Too much Coors Light mixed in with that crap brings out all sorts of badness.
Back when I bought the first billet block off Dan Scheid, I tried to carry it up our basement steps without help. That's when I gave myself the hernia. I was so jacked up I knew something was wrong but I couldn't figure it out. Craig came running and I helped him get it to our living room. I guess when my guts gave out I fell down the steps and the corner of the billet block gouged me right below my belt line. That's why I now have a scare running from just above the valuables to my belt line.

I am still embarrassed about it. Sure would like to have that day back.
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Welcome back! I was just thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you were doing. I’m glad you’re still around, and I hope your family finds the strength to forgive you.
Still a character! Everybody makes mistakes, it's how you learn and move forward that matters.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Was watching some PDD YouTube and noticed they had and features you for the SRS positive air shutdown setup.
Hey YoungDiesel27, I've been meaning to get out and speak with you, your Mom, and your Dad.

Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I still have everything. lol
Will and Todd are two of the finest men I've met. They have also had to deal with my crazy first hand and somehow I think they sorta understood. I made a mistake and pulled the billet rotating assembly from them. Hard to tell where we would all be now if I would have just left it with PDD.

I gave them a 4" SRS Shocker Pass and was delighted to see them spend a few minutes on one of there videos talking about it.

Will has offered doing a whole video for me on the history of the shocker pass, why I went on to make the"SRS signature series", and why I haven't sold a single one?? lol I would be completely embarrassed if I revealed how deep I am in these things. One of these days, I would love to see everyone running one.

My "soon to be" Ex-Wife's first gen has one of Mountaineer's Hot Rod Pumps. It's the highest revving VE he's done for us. She took off on her in the middle of town a couple times on her way to work. I am now developing a 3" that will adapt down to 2.5" to slip in between the intake horn and boost piping. Lord only knows what might have happened had she not been thinking quickly.

The hardest part of all is getting the sale price down to something us common folk can afford. Volume is the only way I see it working. I really suck at marketing as well.
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If you go back and look at my post, I have pretty much documented every doctor visit on here. I was left with a condition called Epididymitis. Something it looks like I will live with the rest of my life. I will never openly be a proponent for illegal drugs. I don't sell them and for that matter I don't even buy my West Virginia Wildwood Flower any more.

I will, however, say this: Had I chosen to go the legal pain medication route, with my addictive personality, I probably would have ended up trading the first billet block for a fix!!!

This Corona Virus ain't got nothing on the killing and misery the "Man Made" opioids are doing still to this day!!!
Great to see you back, Arch. Keep it on the straight and narrow and things will get better from here on out. :D
Hey YoungDiesel27, I've been meaning to get out and speak with you, your Mom, and your Dad.

Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I still have everything. lol

I remember you bought a first gen pulling truck and was going to tow it around with a cabover of some sort?