Running out of RPM before boost


New member
Feb 28, 2011
I got around to tuning my AFC tonight after installing my S300 (58/65/14 if i remember correctly) and 7x10 injectors last weekend. I have the afc slid full forward, plate slid full forward, and my pre-boost screw set in what seems to be a good spot. Problem im having is that i have the star wheel cranked all the way back (towards the firewall) and find that im still in need of cleaning up some smoke. Should i stretch the stock afc spring to accomodate the added tension that i need or would a TST light spring be better? I also notice that i run out the governor before i build enough boost. Any thoughts as to why this is???
First off, slide the plate back some, that turbo is on the small size for your injectors little lone full fuel.
Why did you buy 7x10s for a truck that has basically nothing done to it? The turbo is wayyy too small. 0 plate means you pretty much might as well not even have one. I would get rid of the injectors and get some smaller ones. When you step on the throttle with injectors that big and a turbo that small you basically choke the motor up, which means the turbo will not light period cause its so over fueled.
smaller injectors or bigger turbo like stated before you are just choking the motor
Why did you buy 7x10s for a truck that has basically nothing done to it? The turbo is wayyy too small. 0 plate means you pretty much might as well not even have one. I would get rid of the injectors and get some smaller ones. When you step on the throttle with injectors that big and a turbo that small you basically choke the motor up, which means the turbo will not light period cause its so over fueled.

this is not true, his turbo is better than the hx35s and people running 5x14 or 5x16s. yah spool up might suffer but i seriously doubt you can drown it out that bad. :nail:
like the others have said... set your afc spring up so that it starts to push through the spring at around 8 or 9 psi then have it so that at about 20 psi its about a lttle less than half way through the spring and have it hit the stop plate at around 35 psi... it will light a lot better. also turn your preboost screw so that it just barley touches the diaphram. I think you should keep the injectors and that turbo just set your afc up like i said.
this is not true, his turbo is better than the hx35s and people running 5x14 or 5x16s. yah spool up might suffer but i seriously doubt you can drown it out that bad. :nail:
I slightly bad choice of words there I admit. It will eventually spool yes but his problem will still remain cause it still wont light when it should.. Ive been in a truck like his and the only way i could get it to light with out freight training the street was rolling on the throttle slowly and eventually it lit. forget about smashing the throttle cause all that did was make the egts go through the roof.
What alot of these guys dont relize with these p-pumps is that they dont need injectors unless they are trying to do somthing crazy like spool a 52 or somthing these pumps have alot of potential with the right mods so i guess wat i am saying is put a set of stock injectors in that truck and u will have alot more luck with it and alot lower egts
considering that most factory injectors are 10-15yrs old and anything smaller than a 215 injector isn't really worth running, I would say a nice set of injectors is KEY to a good running 12v.

You can pull the plate back and run COOLER at a given power level with a nice set of injectors vs. worn out stockers
What alot of these guys dont relize with these p-pumps is that they dont need injectors unless they are trying to do somthing crazy like spool a 52 or somthing these pumps have alot of potential with the right mods so i guess wat i am saying is put a set of stock injectors in that truck and u will have alot more luck with it and alot lower egts

well as u say a set of stock injectors are probablyworn out when this is very true but normally they just change the nozzles alot of time ur injectors are probably ok as long asthey are tested and have a good spray pattern u shouldnt have any issues i had a es alvcouple of kids come in to the shop the other day and thaught they needed a set of injectors for more power when really they were running a stock ppump whith out the delivery valves cut come on people get ur ducks in a row before u lay more eggs
couple of kids come in to the shop the other day and thaught they needed a set of injectors for more power when really they were running a stock ppump whith out the delivery valves cut come on people get ur ducks in a row before u lay more eggs

Where is your shop, so I can avoid visiting at all costs.
yea thats fine that u dont wanna visit my shop bc u would be just as annoying as every other 18 year old thats just a tire kicker and dont have a clue
well as u say a set of stock injectors are probablyworn out when this is very true but normally they just change the nozzles alot of time ur injectors are probably ok as long asthey are tested and have a good spray pattern u shouldnt have any issues i had a es alvcouple of kids come in to the shop the other day and thaught they needed a set of injectors for more power when really they were running a stock ppump whith out the delivery valves cut come on people get ur ducks in a row before u lay more eggs

Slide the plate back and get that AFC tuned properly- it takes a few times. You will see when you start playin with it.