Removable Parachute Anchor


Apr 4, 2008
I want to make my parachute anchor removable, similar to a reciever hitch. I looked in the NHRA rule book, and I can't find an answer either way. Does anybody know if it's acceptable to slide a tube into a sleeve and secure it with 1/2" bolts?
I have not seen what your referring to exactly what I have seen is having the anchor point with a pin holding the chute lanyard. I could not see anything prohibiting this in the rules but then again didn't see where it clearly said it was ok either. I am hoping to add some laundry to my PS truck and was looking at going this route also.
colin look up the nhra rule book, i think the mounting bracket is not as important as the lanyard bracket that i think has to be a perminent mount to the frame. i think the laundry basket can be removable..
Just pin it in the receiver. No different than bolting it to the frame.
I found some pictures of what I'm trying to do. Think two 1/2" bolts in a cross will be ok? The only thing I can find in the rule book deals with the shroud line attatchment and the material around the holes, but It doesn't say anything on how it is to be attatched to the frame.


I've seen some like that. I've been looking at a bunch of chute mounts, trying to decide how I want to do it on both my Pro Stock truck and my gasser. There's nothing in the rules aside from the bolt size, and IIRC they even removed the rule about the material surrounding the hole. I plan to use a sleeved 1/2" bolt, starting with one long enough that it is not in shear on the threaded portion. From what I have seen, they just apply common sense to how it's mounted.
I was planning to use 1/2 stainless pins with a pin keeper like a hood pin.
I spoke with a chassis builder, and learned that it is ok to mount the anchor like how I'm planning to. I'll post up a few pictures of how it goes.

Runninlean, stainless is pretty soft, are you sure it'll be ok in that application?
I like your style....10.99, and worried about a chute. LOL
Ha, well in my defense, that was with a 160 pump on the second time to the track. I'll have a little bigger turbo and pump set up next season.
I was being serious! LOL

I ran 10.0 in the 1/8th last night, but next week with slicks (2.7 60ft) I should be able to drop at least 2 seconds off that.
Hey, if the jet car can stop, I should be able to!!

Colin, do you have any pictures of when you seared off the brake mounting bolts? :eek: After seeing that happen I won't ever say a parachute is a bad idea.
Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the carnage. It was pretty unsettling to step on the brakes at the end of the run and have them go to the floor. Then try to decide if I should put the truck in the wall or run off the end of the track at 126mph. Fortunately between down shifting, and pumping the brakes up, my front brakes came back enough to slow me down to make the turn at the end of the track. That is the reason why my truck is getting a parachute. Chit happens, I was lucky that time. I'd rather have it and not need it than to re-live that again.


Mine passes through tailgate and hooks in with just two pins nothing special.
^^ That's really nice. I like the rear wing, parachute mount setup.
I got around to tinkering around on the anchor, this is what I came up with. It's a Competiton Engineering's kit, that I modified a little.




I still have to mount the parachute pack, release handle, run the cable, and put the roll pan back on.
Snapped a few pictures with the pack mounted, and what it looks like when removed incase anybody was interested in looking.

