sdx/ smokem injectors.....scary issues

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Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I have seen a few sets of injectors lately that were setup pretty poorly with pop pressures varying over 40 bar from Weston. I am not wanting to bad mouth anybody, but I do not want the people on Comp D to have issues because an injector builder cannot tell 260 bar from 310 bar. For this reason, if you send your SDX or Smokem injectors to Hamilton Cams, we will test and provide a detailed report on the pop pressures of your injectors for free for two weeks from this date. Pay for shipping and my work is free. I guess you could say, finding issues in your injectors is reward enough for me.

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You are a true salesman Zach. Tell me this, if you are capable of all of this, why did you send Steve Orose's injectors to me to fix?

You play this mud throwing game like a politician, I think you missed your true calling.
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I did not send them to you. I told Steve I was too busy to mess with his injectors. Lately I have found that I really like making sure that people get what they pay for, and I love sitting in front of my injector flow bench for hours on end without getting paid. :) You know the devil is in the smallest of details.
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I was never paid.

Classy thread though. Notice in the one about the locks, no names were mentioned, and it was not a direct implication? Maybe you should take a page out of that book Zach, no once attacked you.
I think payment is between you and your customer. I just want to provide a free service to the members of Comp D. I'd much rather talk about injector springs and shims and pop pressure.

I can take one on the chin, can you?
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Myself nor Chris and Jamie @ SDX have nothing to hide, and we stand behind the work we do. Now, it would be easy for someone with an agenda to give false report when a product not of their own happened to be in their posession.
Shure Weston, lets talk about anything you want in your thread. The OP in this thread wants to talk about pop pressure. Let's keep this on topic now. I don't want it to get off track.... it upsets the mods.

I'm glad you and Chris and Jamie want to stand behind your work. I'm sure you will get your chance....

Now on the false reports, My B.S. meter has just gone off the scale. Couldn't the same about your report on our products?

Darnit, I'm getting off track. Were talking about injectors here!
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Don't want to touch that issue Zach?

How about the clause added to the contract for the next batch of heads?

You are the King of misdirection and changing the subject, but not a fan of when it happens to you?
I've been doing this for a while, and if anyone knows me, then they know I am a person of my word. Zach asks why I support SDX, it's simple, Chris and Jamie are close friends and we are in business together. Our goal is simple, to offer a quality product at a fair price without force marketing.

I've proven what I say with data and results, I'm not the new kid on the block.
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JQmile- you are 100% right.

Weston, I will talk about anything you want to talk about in another thread. This thread is about issues with injectors, If you are as good and honest as you say you are, you have absolutely nothing to fear. I'm glad you and the guys have proven yourselves. Let's get back to injectors. In fact there is nothing more to talk about. I'm going to sit by the mail box and wait for the injectors.

It almost sounds like comp461 logged on under smokem. Greg, is that you?
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We have quite a few satisfied customers, quite a few sets of injectors that we have built over quite a few years. The real question is; how much experience do you have to make such claims?
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