Triples Build


Seth- Fuel Injection Guy
Aug 7, 2007
As promised, here's quite a few pictures of my triple turbo build. The primaries will be hy35's with 9cm housings and the primary is an hx35/40 hybrid with a heavily ported 12cm housing. I also built in a spacer for an external gate to be added in the future to gate around the primary into the hot-pipe.

The hot-pipe is all schedule 40 pipe and the "split" is built from modified 2x3" 1/4" wall rectangular tubing.

The down-pipes, cold pipe, and inter-cooler pipe are all built from a 3" ultimate builder kit from Columbia River Mandrel Bending. They are mild steel 16 gauge.

I made all my own turbo flanges and discharges to save some coin. I'm by no means a great fabricator, but I think it turned out decent.

No, it isn't on the street yet (waiting on turbo oil drain hose) and then I'll be out for round two of testing and driving. The rest of the engine set-up is a pump build and set up by myself (175hp pump, 191's, open holders, 4k kit, custom afc set-up and plate), 5x.014 injectors, 60# valve springs, Valair Sprung Hub dual disk clutch and billet flywheel using big input shaft...

Feel free to cuss and discuss :rockwoot:













PS...Since the last picture posted I've painted/coated all the compressor covers, cold piping, hot-piping, and down-pipes. All I have left to do (after test and tuning) is fab my dual 3" into single 5" exhaust out the back to keep a somewhat stock look, as well as putting my air filters on and getting them pulling cold air from away from the manifold.

I also ended up having to cut some out of the inner fender for clearance on a primary. The ac lines have been removed for now, but I plan on having new ones made before the summer heat so it will still be functional.

The support bracket for primaries now rests on a p-pump tappet spring which really helped dampen vibrations while allowing the whole set-up to "torque" over with the rest of the engine.

The purpose of the build was I thought it sounded cool after reading/seeing the WOP set and I happened to have 3 turbos laying around in my shop to use to build it with. Hope to make a very smoke free and hella-fast spooling street driven/towing 12 valve somewhere between 5 and 600 hp.

I have right at $1500 in everything thus far...only lacking the $100 or so to make my 2 into 1 exhaust.

I plan on bringing it to TS to run on the dyno (as well as meet a bunch of you guys/gals) to see what it actually will do numbers wise.

Glad to hear your coming to TS I wanna check the finished product out!!

Wanna see it "rock the rollers" on Dunbar's machine too!
Nice job! you may want to add a bolt-on brace from the spacer plate to the hot pipe to help spread the load.
I'm not sure where you used a spring as part of the support but any flex or motion will cause cracking. Just my $.02.
Looks awesome seth! Be sure and get some vids when you get it all done
I'm glad to finally see this done, looks good man. Also glad since this gives me ideas on mounting mine.

On I have some ideas on the spool up if its still an issue later.
cool looking, nice fab work. i still dont see the point though.

At this size it isnt needed, they just look cool. But build a set with 3 S300's and you can mix-n-match 57-66 wheels and make some serious power with fast spool that fits (barely)in the engine bay.:Cheer:
At this size it isnt needed, they just look cool. But build a set with 3 S300's and you can mix-n-match 57-66 wheels and make some serious power with fast spool that fits (barely)in the engine bay.:Cheer:

i think you can get bigger then 66mm wheels for a s300, like 71mm and bigger iirc
You don't want to be bigger than a 71mm in a S300 frame.

I know that some have mixed the sizes on the primaries. Although I don't know what the limits are. From what I gather the housing A/R and wheel trim would do alot on the spool up.
I know it's not effective/efficient at my power level...but the bling factor and fact that I had the turbos already was why I did it. Hopefully I can learn some from this set and plan on building a set using s300's on a buddies truck sometime in the future.
Run the dual 3" all the way back. I think that would be neat. Even if you did them as a stack.
Love the low buck/high time build up but I have a question: The (real) turbo guys (so I have been told) say no more than a 6" radius but most all the Twin and all the Triple setups have 90 degree bottle necks using square tubing with a huge disruption of air flow.....does this matter or is it so little that it doesn't in our world.
