Pay up sucka

Sounds like Lloyd is a Democrat!!

Some of whats described sound's like it was "Obama's Diesel Performance" shop!!
I didn't post that to say that I liked not paying for things, but I do appreciate him trusting me enough to ship my parts before billing my card....but that's just not a good way to operate a business like that.

I've been on the phone with Lloyd for the last hour and just like Mike said, there are two sides to every story. I for one think Lloyd is a good guy and very honest, he would never intentionally cheat someone, where he lacks is in the communication department at times. I know its been said but if he answered the phone every time it rings no work would ever get done, he is a one man show.
After speaking with him today I truly believe the guys making the drug accusations are way out of line. His business is fine by the sound of things, has a shop full of trucks. Contrary to what you guys may want to believe, Compd is not going to make or break his business. I don't know Scott personally and have nothing against him, I'm sure he is as good a guy as Lloyd. All you guys judging Lloyd based on what you've read here don't know the whole story though.

Just my two cents.
regardless of what who is telling who

the two sides of the story equal a court date and a decision in the favor of shughes.....thats all it boils down to in my eyes
There are ALWAYS two sides to every story. And I have taken responsiblity for my lack of communication with Lloyd. I admit there was fault on my side as well when it came to CLEARLY communicating payment to Mid-Atlantic Diesel.

However, there is NO excuse for me to not have all the parts that were on the truck when it was dropped off. Regardless of anything else (work performed or not, payment for that work or not), I should have ALL the parts for the truck returned. There is no arguing that from any stand point!

And I still haven't complained about the old parts I never got back after he did the p-pump swap! Nor have I complained about the non-working transmission, after it sat 'untouched' for a year. Only the parts missing after it was taken to him the second time!!!
I've been on the phone with Lloyd for the last hour and just like Mike said, there are two sides to every story. I for one think Lloyd is a good guy and very honest, he would never intentionally cheat someone, where he lacks is in the communication department at times. I know its been said but if he answered the phone every time it rings no work would ever get done, he is a one man show.
After speaking with him today I truly believe the guys making the drug accusations are way out of line. His business is fine by the sound of things, has a shop full of trucks. Contrary to what you guys may want to believe, Compd is not going to make or break his business. I don't know Scott personally and have nothing against him, I'm sure he is as good a guy as Lloyd. All you guys judging Lloyd based on what you've read here don't know the whole story though.

Just my two cents.

Then why no resolution years after the fact! If lloyd was the "goodman" you say he is, why has he not fixed the issue?

Why are there SEVERAL folks on and off the net claiming he has stolen money and parts from them?

an isolated situation i can understand and forget, but man it seems like i have heard about this a dozen times.....WTH

All he has to do is pay up, and make it right. Two sides to every storie? no there's three, his, hers and the truth! Cant answer calls??? sound like he bit off more than he could chew....another bad company practice, customer service will sell more parts than a full shop will.

oh yea, and compd CAN break his bussines down to nothin, i know.
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Then why no resolution years after the fact! If lloyd was the "goodman" you say he is, why has he not fixed the issue?

Why are there SEVERAL folks on and off the net claiming he has stolen money and parts from them?

an isolated situation i can understand and forget, but man it seems like i have heard about this a dozen times.....WTH

All he has to do is pay up, and make it right. Two sides to every storie? no there's three, his, hers and the truth! Cant answer calls??? sound like he bit off more than he could chew....another bad company practice, customer service will sell more parts than a full shop will.

oh yea, and compd CAN break his bussines down to nothin, i know.

Wade, do you have a dog in this fight? If not STFU and go away you phuking idiot!!!
think what you folks want but a simple fact here for the record..... last time I dealt with Lloyd I had a lot fo stuff done, one of them was instalation of headstuds. After a two day marathon of teardown/ install it came time to pay the bill, which was tallied up on paper for me to look at. I looked, it was as we had discussed, so I paid cash in full. I left his shop on my way to see a good friend that lives down there and while driving out my phone rang, it was Lloyd........ turns out he forgot as did I to take the cost of the studs off the ticket as I had supplied them, and he wanted to know how to get the 400 dollars cash back to me. Well I went back to his shop the next day to get it and shook his hand again thanking him for his honesty. I never would have given it a second thought, but he went out of his way to make the call and give me my money back. Scot, does this sound like the kind of guy that would lie to a judge just to win a settlement? nope, honesty can cost somedays, but in the end we will all stand to be judged.
Did I ever say he lied to the judge?

Are you calling me a liar??

I realized too late after typing that, that you might take offense to that Ty!

Trust me, it wasn't aimed at you.

no offense was taken and I knew it wasn't directed at me. I did that because I just don't understand the political jabs all the time.... that's all, now back to the current topic
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No, he is saying Lloyd could have lied to the judge and you would have gotten nothing. It was your word against his and when the judge asked him if he saw you take your injectors Lloyd said no he didn't and therefore ruled in favor of you.

And whoever left the thread tag about Wade, I owe you a beer!!
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I didn't read it that way but okay, whatever.

And as far as having a dog in this fight...only Lloyd and I fit that category!!! Anyone else is free to voice their opinion!!!

The only thing I am really saying is that a large dollar amount of parts are still missing from when the truck was dropped off. And $2000 doesn't come close to covering it.

Lost? Stolen? Misplaced? Sold to another customer? Don't know, don't care. I simply want them back!!! Is that too much to ask???
I didn't read it that way but okay, whatever.

And as far as having a dog in this fight...only Lloyd and I fit that category!!! Anyone else is free to voice their opinion!!!

The only thing I am really saying is that a large dollar amount of parts are still missing from when the truck was dropped off. And $2000 doesn't come close to covering it.

Lost? Stolen? Misplaced? Sold to another customer? Don't know, don't care. I simply want them back!!! Is that too much to ask???

You're absolutely right Scott, I am not posting here to say who's right or wrong, I'm sure you both share some of the blame for what happened. I just can't stand all the pot stirrers piling on when they don't have any first hand knowledge of what happened.
You guys better watch what you say. You will get threatened with a slander suit and bodily harm then the thread will get deleted. Just saying...
I did that because I just don't understand the political jabs all the time....

Because this thread is about someone that is accussed of being a Thief.
The Judge evidently saw it that way and ruled in SHuges favor.
NO restitution has been made yet.

SO, Socialist, Fascist, Communist, ARE Thieves in my book and this is what we have running our Country and I'm F'ng tired of it!!!

It's NO different than someone putting a gun to my head and making me give the hobo on the corner a $5 bill because he's a bum and won't try to get a job and earn his own money!! This current administration IS Stealing my hard earned money and just Giving it away to these F'ng Scum Bags that are just refusing to work and "Work" the system!!

So in closing!

If Lloyd owes this man parts or money or Both, BY GOD HE NEEDS TO PAY THE MAN!!! OR HE'S A THIEF!

I'm not judging, I'm just saying!!

I'm my world, This is enough Probable Cause for him to deemed as a thief. Otherwise, He needs to come on here and clear things up!!

I'm not saying he's guilty...It's not for me to say...But based on the Judge, It seems that way... NO MATTER what all his friends on here say...They're just like all those mothers in the media that say , " OH NO!! MY BOY WOULD NEVER DO THAT CRIME...HE'S A SAINT.. HE'S ALWAYS AT CHURCH AND LOVES HIS FAMILY...YOU HAVE THE WRONG PERSON!!!"

All the while, we caught him in the act with the weapon and the blood on his hands!!!

Love is blind!!!!

Okay, I'll get off my soap box now!!!!

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Because this thread is about someone that is accussed of being a Thief.
The Judge evidently saw it that way and ruled in SHuges favor.
NO restitution has been made yet.

SO, Socialist, Fascist, Communist, ARE Thieves in my book and this is what we have running our Country and I'm F'ng tired of it!!!

It's NO different than someone putting a gun to my head and making me give the hobo on the corner a $5 bill because he's a bum and won't try to get a job and earn his own money!! This current administration IS Stealing my hard earned money and just Giving it away to these F'ng Scum Bags that are just refusing to work and "Work" the system!!

So in closing!

If Lloyd owes this man parts or money or Both, BY GOD HE NEEDS TO PAY THE MAN!!! OR HE'S A THIEF!

I'm not judging, I'm just saying!!

I'm my world, This is enough Probable Cause for him to deemed as a thief. Otherwise, He needs to come on here and clear things up!!

I'm not saying he's guilty...It's not for me to say...But based on the Judge, It seems that way... NO MATTER what all his friends on here say...They're just like all those mothers in the media that say , " OH NO!! MY BOY WOULD NEVER DO THAT CRIME...HE'S A SAINT.. HE'S ALWAYS AT CHURCH AND LOVES HIS FAMILY...YOU HAVE THE WRONG PERSON!!!"

All the while, we caught him in the act with the weapon and the blood on his hands!!!

Love is blind!!!!

Okay, I'll get off my soap box now!!!!


wow dude....:doh: