burlington coat factor?

After what I found the year I went out with my old 12v truck in the parking lot after a needed nights rest,I WILL NEVER go back to this event.

I wake up Saturday Morning to ready myself for the show Saturday and the is a whole pile of azzwipe marks,oopps,I mean burnout marks across in front of the first row of trucks.It was plainly seen than more than a few of said azzwipes just missed my ride and a few others that were sandwiched next to me.

Some can say what they want,I call it DISRESPECT for others property.To get all liquored up and show your testerone overload by blazing off a set of hides in a motel lot,whooopppieee...Shows how much of a true badazz you really are,yeah right.

Funny thing,most of those azzhats probably didn't compete in anything all weekend long except for how much booze they could drink and how stupid they could act afterwards.I take ALOT of time readying my rides for these shows and it shows and to have someone get that close to taking it away or damaging it because of their foolishness is not what I choose to endure.

I will again stay home and at least rest in knowing some drunk azzhat will not have a chance at destroying my rides.
You don't have to live close by to hear things.

I see this video as false advertisement and think the owner/producer should be prosecuted for such.

I don't see Scheid/SDX advertise this as part of the venue.

Around the :40 mark you can hear one waterhead say something along the lines of "the cops aint stopping it this year!" heh....
Wondering if anyone has heard if it really bothers you maybe you should have just moved on and not posted
You live right down the road. Why don't you tell us Ron Burgundy? Is there or ain't there gonna be a bunch of hilljacks at their annual MENSA meeting discussing such topics as:
- Flipped up tow mirrors
- 4" to 12" exhaust tips
- 55 gallon drum stacks
- lope tunes
- The 5.88 they ran in the 1/8th last
week, but they ain't racing this week.
- How they out pulled Kent, Van, Shane and Brad two weeks ago, but nobody saw it or videoed it.
- And last but not least Oral'n the Coal.

Posted using Tapatalk while not eating at Chik Fil A
You live right down the road. Why don't you tell us Ron Burgundy? Is there or ain't there gonna be a bunch of hilljacks at their annual MENSA meeting discussing such topics as:
- Flipped up tow mirrors
- 4" to 12" exhaust tips
- 55 gallon drum stacks
- lope tunes
- The 5.88 they ran in the 1/8th last
week, but they ain't racing this week.
- How they out pulled Kent, Van, Shane and Brad two weeks ago, but nobody saw it or videoed it.
- And last but not least Oral'n the Coal.

Posted using Tapatalk while not eating at Chik Fil A

I agree never said i didnt, i dont quite understand what your getting at though this has nothing to do with what i asked
You live right down the road. Why don't you tell us Ron Burgundy? Is there or ain't there gonna be a bunch of hilljacks at their annual MENSA meeting discussing such topics as:
- Flipped up tow mirrors
- 4" to 12" exhaust tips
- 55 gallon drum stacks
- lope tunes
- The 5.88 they ran in the 1/8th last
week, but they ain't racing this week.
- How they out pulled Kent, Van, Shane and Brad two weeks ago, but nobody saw it or videoed it.
- And last but not least Oral'n the Coal.

Posted using Tapatalk while not eating at Chik Fil A

Forgot hoseing the gas. :lolly::bang
I'm sorry. No. I have not heard anything about the "owner" of the Burglington Coat Factory closing the parking lot off to Police because they thought the Police were being ridiculous.
I believe we are forgetting the most important subject mentioned in this thread. THE taco in a bag
I believe we are forgetting the most important subject mentioned in this thread. THE taco in a bag

That's what I'm talking about.

Posted using Tapatalk while watching John Robinson go 8.24 @ 168 in Colorado
Posted using Tapatalk while watching John Robinson go 8.24 @ 168 ON THE MOUNTAIN

Fixed it for you
Dont know anything about the "Taco in a bag" But Cheesburger in Paradise is sounding really good...
My lil brother was watching a old dvd i had nadp presents "got smoke" so i watched it too wow if anyone wonders why it is the way it is . Their shop trucks or trucks with their logos go thur a city and smoke the place out. Cool huh