Multi-quotes on new forum.


Jan 22, 2007
Anyone figured out how to multi-quote on this new platform when the two you want to quote are on separate pages?

If they are on the same page, just click quote on all the one you want and it will stack them up. I can't figure out how to get posts from multiple pages.

I guess maybe there is a control to combine all posts in one long page?

I don’t even see a quote button. If I want to quote, I hit reply. If I want to quote two, I hit reply on the first one, copy what’s in the box, then hit reply on the second, then paste the first in front of it.
I don’t even see a quote button. If I want to quote, I hit reply. If I want to quote two, I hit reply on the first one, copy what’s in the box, then hit reply on the second, then paste the first in front of it.
Ya, I guess that's the way I'll have to do it. I just wondered how to bridge the gap on multi-page threads.
Its the +quote button between like and reply on the bottom right of each post.
But when clicking it on one page, then going to the next and grabbing another, it only brings in the one from the current page.
That wasn't there earlier.....

You know, I kinda though ol' J-biscuits might snuck that one in on us after my post; however, I've been known to completely miss obvious things, so I didn't want to call him out for being sneaky. LOL

He did manage to play it off really well though. :cool:
But when clicking it on one page, then going to the next and grabbing another, it only brings in the one from the current page.
Let's give this a shot. I quoted acouple.of your posts from another thread. Well see if the land here.
It would, however, keep in mind most of that traffic is a bunch of idiots. Like the ones posting on the Firepunk Diesel Discussion Forum on facebook. They post up schidt like "who's the best place to rebuild my transmission" or " where can I buy parts for my schidtbox". I swear, there's an entire generation of braindead wastes of oxygen. They can stay right where they are. $.02

I hear you and agree with you. The best would be bringing the OGs back if there still around. You also get the one hit wonder. Join and ask a question, then never show back up again.
Whistlin' Douchbag makes me ill.

Yaw man. It's sad. That junk seems to appeal to the younger generation. What's sad is he makes s much money doing it.

It looks like the multi quote works!!