03 7.3 runnin rough


redneck engineer
Dec 24, 2008
my uncle has an 03 we've been havin trouble with it runs like **** when u first start it just chugs but when it warms up she runs like a champ we're lost he thinks its injectors but i wanted to see what u guys thought before he bought new ones
Check the UVC Harness, see if anything is unplugged, but make sure you double check to see if your UVC didn't pop off, its pretty common on these trucks, also be aware and check your IDM. let us know what you come up with. buzz test the injectors as well, but start with the UVC.

If you want as well, check your ICP and IPR, and check your fuel bowl as well. but do the others first.
Auto X ray looking for a bad injector buzz. You are describing how mine acted to a T. Replaced the injector(s) and it runs great now.