Advanced My Timing, Got An Issue


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Hey guys. So I advanced my timing to right about 16.5-17 degrees. I did this with a dial indicator. My truck now smokes more than I'd like under moderate acceleration. My main issue though, is under heavy acceleration, it'll pop a time or two and pour out black smoke and just kinda fall flat on its face. This will happen anywhere from about 1800 to 2300rpms. I can let off of it and ease back into it and it'll go till the stock gsk says no. Also, it seems to do it more in 4th and 5th than any other gear. Anybody got any ideas? Thanks, Jonathan
Yeh I'm pretty sure I did. I got the kit from Jesse at What I did was locate TDC, then I rotated the motor counterclockwise til the indicator stopped dropping. Then I pulled then indicator out of the adapter til it read 0. Then I rotated it clockwise to where the indicator read .222in or there about, then popped the gear, rotated the motor back past TDC a little, then to TDC, and put the gear back on. Does that sound right?
I agree, sounds like timing: 1) was retarded; or 2) slipped. Always and I mean always re-check your timing after you put the final torque on the shaft nut.

I usually set the gauge starting at .200 to make sure the collar which rests in the pump plunger adapter is nice and deep allowing minimal movement after setting the set screw on the adapter and just make sure to subtract the .200 from all my measurements. If the guage moves across the plunger top due to not having the collar secure it can throw off your measurment. Just my two cents.

If I were you I would recheck timing ASAP.
did you clean the shaft at all?

Sounds like you did it right but it could have slipped...
I quit using the dial indicator. Mine (snapon) wouldn't set on the plunger right, the retard groove kept messing with it. I have been using my timing light adapter, and couldn't be happier.

Plus it's easy to check real quick.
make sure that pump shaft is clean because ive had it slip on me. correct me if im wrong guys but the torque spec for those is 145 ft lbs. i just changed up my timing this week and i went a little bit higher than that with the torque. a new lock washer doesnt hurt either.
Yeh I'm pretty sure I did. I got the kit from Jesse at What I did was locate TDC, then I rotated the motor counterclockwise til the indicator stopped dropping. Then I pulled then indicator out of the adapter til it read 0. Then I rotated it clockwise to where the indicator read .222in or there about, then popped the gear, rotated the motor back past TDC a little, then to TDC, and put the gear back on. Does that sound right?

Sounds correct, but I would guess that it slipped on you. Checking your plunger lift after you torque the nut down is always a good thing.
Thanks guys. I cleaned the shaft good several times with brake cleaner but maybe it did slip. I'll check it again and see if I can't find out what's up. Is there anything bad that can result from running it like this if I weren't able to check it soon? Also can anyone explain why it acts the way it does with the timing being retarded? I would think it would do the poppin and smokin all the time with the timing retarded but I'm not the best thinker. Thanks, Jonathan
I prefer to use electric parts/contact cleaner instead of brake cleaner because it doesn't leave a residue. Since you have TDC marked already, it would be easy to at least check it(you can get away with removing the line clamp under the intake and the #1 line has enough flex to make room for the dial indicator).

You'll be fine driving it if it was caused by human error, but if the lower timing was caused from the gear slipping, there is the possibility of it slipping and retarding the timing even more.
make sure that pump shaft is clean because ive had it slip on me. correct me if im wrong guys but the torque spec for those is 145 ft lbs. i just changed up my timing this week and i went a little bit higher than that with the torque. a new lock washer doesnt hurt either.

I dont know what the factory torque spec is but i usually go to 180ft lbs or more
Well I checked my timing again tonight and it was where I had it at to begin with. I ended up bumping it a little more to 18*. When I started the truck up and revved the motor from the front I noticed the intake tube scrunchin up. I have just a cone filter on the end of the tube. I cleaned it and so far it hasn't done the popping. I didn't get on it too much but enough that it should have if it was gonna. Would a dirty ass filter cause the problems I was havin?
Glad you got it figured out, the clogged filter wouldn't cause the popping, but it could cause excessive smoke.