Amarillo Annual Diesel Drag Race and Dyno Event


Diesel Nut
Jan 25, 2008
Got another drag race scheduled in Amarillo, TX.

Last year it was the B&G Diesel Race. Spear headed by Jerimiah Montegomery. I want to first thank him for having it last year. Unfortanetly he's too busy this year to put another one on. So myself and David Matthews have taken over the role..

So for the Details

Place: Amarillo Texas, Amarillo Dragway
Date: Sept 7th & 8th
Classes: Heads Up, 12.00 & Slower Bracket, Manual Heads Up

With the heads up class, its just that. Don't care what you are running or how bad it is, if its got a diesel engine you can run. Pro-Tree

12.00 & Slower Bracket- just that. If your slower than 12.00, this is the class for you. Its a bracket race, sportsman tree.

Manual Heads-up- Gotta be rowing gears for this one. Fastest truck gets it.

For those of you who came last year, it will be a similar format, normal qualifing races on race day. Friday will be test-n-tune, Saturday will be race day.

Last year we started qualifying around 5:00 pm. Probably keep that schedule because it worked out good and we have other activities prior to racing..

Dyno- Special thanks to John Isaac's from Floor It Diesel. He's coming and will have his dyno on site. 75.00$ for 3 full runs. We are also going to have a dyno competition on saturday before the races.

Show-N-Shine- Judges and such will be selected prior to the event, we hope to have a lot of shinny rigs show up.

We share the track with the gasser's, so there is no risk of hot lapping your truck. This also gives us something to watch between diesel runs. There's some really fast cars around here. One particular full bodied pontiac running mid 4's in the 1/8th...

We are still securing prizes. But so far we have 1000.00 in prize money Donated by myself and Gecovey (500 each), we have some custom tuning with either MCC or EFI as well as an autocal. We will continue trying to secure prizes all the way up to that weekend..

Cost is 50 for entry into the dragway and entry into one event. If you have a truck that you want to run in two different classes, the cost would be 80. $ 20 of that goes to the track and is their standard entry fee. The remaining 30 will go toward the class prizes. Last year we had 24 trucks. So payout was pretty good. I believe 1st in bracket won somewhere around 800. Which by the way, for all you guys worried about racing next to a modified truck. The bracket race was won by a bone stock 2007 5.9 qclb dually@!!!!!!.. His et was 16.92. He beat out much faster trucks because he was the most consistent.

I hope that everybody that made it last year is able to come again and we continue to grow this. If anybody has any questions or needs help with anything (hotel, directions, etc..) please let myself know or Gecovey.

David’s number is 806-223-9472 and my number is 806-679-2877

I'll keep updating this as new things develop. Just needed to get it out there so we could start letting you guys know...

Saturday September 8th:

-Gates open at 1PM. Dyno will be up and running almost immediately for anybody to use gas or diesel.

-Dyno competition will start about 3PM
-Show n Shine Competition will start about 4PM (get there early to register and get your truck in a good spot and shined up)
-Racing will start after 5pm when the track and crew are ready to begin
Sounds like a pretty good event. Hopefully there's a good showing. Don't know if I can make the 7-8 hr drive though, unless we can carpool.
If you copy and paste this into the web address box you can listen to the radio ad we came up with for the event. It started running this morning on 4 different stations: 93.1, 98.7, 101.9, 107.9 for any locals


-If you are running faster than a will be required to wear a helmet

-If you are running faster than are required to have a roll bar

-Anything faster than that and you prolly already know you need a full cage


-David and I decided instead of doing a "highest horsepower" dyno competition the format will be "GUESS YOUR HORSEPOWER"....closest top 3 guesses will win.
-To keep people with similar mods guessing off of each others numbers we will not be releasing horsepower numbers or handing out graphs until the end of the competition to keep everything fair for everyone.
-If you are planning on competing in the dyno competition you will not be allowed to dyno your truck until the actual competition but we will hand out dyno graphs and prizes at the awards ceremony at the end of the event.
-We will have entry forms for truck info and your official guess
-Dyno graphs will be available for anyone who competes not just the top 3.