Another Smoke Switch...


Mar 14, 2010
Had a young lad come by and ask for some advice the other day. To his credit, over the past 5 years he has worked and saved his money, and was able to purchase a 2003 CTD Reg. Cab with an auto. Now the truck has some miles on her, but over all, he got a decent deal. Especially finding it had no mods at all to it, and as far as I can tell, never has.

So his first question after what do ya think of it was...:doh:...How do I put a smoke switch on it ? I laughed, but gave the following advice...

1- Compile a list of other CTD owners, over the age of 30, married, and has children. The list should have at least 25 names on it, and ask each of these what they think of smoke switches. If the greater majority of these approve of them, then we will continue to step 2.
2- Save your money, you will need at least a solid $10,000 to start with. If you dont have that kind of funds, I suggested applying for a credit card that would have a rather large available balance on it.

He stopped me there, and asked why, that he had heard such switches were cheap and easy. I replied by the time you bought the tuner/tuners, turbo, lift pump, better CP3,new injector lines,intercooler, sticks, gauges, intakes, head studs, and a new tranny to hold the HP, the total would be close to, if not over the 10 grand mark. He was somewhat depressed about the whole thing, but I think he got the point...
Hope I was able to point him in the right direction..:nail:
Good job man. Too bad every misled kid didn't have someone like you to set them straight.
I want a won't-smoke-switch for my dd, suppose that's about ten grand in the form of a stand alone and lots more tuning... Hahaha
Why didn't you tell him just to put a mild tuner on it and be happy with it? Like a edge or smarty, unless he wins the lottery.
Why didn't you tell him just to put a mild tuner on it and be happy with it? Like a edge or smarty, unless he wins the lottery.

In all honesty, he is a good kid. The fact that he SAVED his money and bought HIS OWN first Cummins I feel speaks leaps and bounds of his maturity compared to many of the kids of today. On that thought, when you go to town and see all the teens and 20 somethings blowing smoke all over the place with a little switch, at that age, wouldnt we of wanted the same thing....the in style or cool look ? My problem with blowing gobs of smoke isnt with those whose smoke is the by product of HP, but with those who throw a simple switch on to annoy everyone else on the road and give ammo to the "green crew". Lord knows we need LESS of them not more. So, I simply laid out a direction for him to go in that would not only help give him the smoke he thought he needed, but also have the advantage of HP !!! Even I have been known to let a ''little'' coal role when I get a jap bike riding my tail through town at the stop light, but its not from some switch I promise you that ! :rockwoot: