any new news on Extreme studs?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
I read a bunch of old threads about guys choosing to use the Extreme Studs vrs. ARP 625's. Anyone have any new info to add? Are they holding up ok? I guess its a little late to ask now being I ordered some but just wanted more insight.
They were a few issue with studs breaking during intial torquing. The threads in them are cut in, and not rolled in. I honestly think the ones I delt with, were maybe a machining flaw because they were breaking at like 80ft/lbs. But I wouldn't hesitate to run them in my truck if I had the money.
We had same issue. Broke during initial torque. Threads were not cut properly to the point where you could not run most of them into the block by hand. Very good customer service though.

I just changed my order to 625's, im gonna do it right the first time. Thanks for the input
I've been running the Extremes for a couple of years now. They've been in and out about a half dozen times for various reasons. No issues at all, and they're torqued to 150lbs. Considering when I bought them, they were less than half the cost of the 625s, I'm very happy with them!!

When I got mine, Tony said that the threads on 12mm end were rolled, and the ones on the other end were cut. Maybe that's changed??

On the ones that broke, where did they break?
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Good customer service. One of mine broke on install. Called and got a new set no problems. Only thing was I couldn't get the broke piece out. Broke going from 125 to 140.

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I've installed 2 sets. 625's from there on out. Great customer service, had one break on install, replaced without a problem.

I have a problem installing a product in a customers engine that breaks before it's completely installed, regardless of good customer service.
I vote to go with the biggest name in engine hardware, period. I have had 625's in mine for 4 years now, several retorques, zero issues of any kind. MLS head gasket is rock solid at 80 psi and 900 hp. OP you're on the right track, custom age once and you're done. I would also ignore all the talk on here and follow the instructions in the box. Do it stone cold, 150 ft. lbs. with their lube. You'll be happy. I also heat cycled the motor probably 10 times and did a retorque, also cold, and tightened up the lash a few thousandths. Good luck!!
some things you don't cheap out on... fasteners is one of them.

I realize that ARP may be a borderline monopoly, but their products are 2nd to none, and 2nd to them is a DISTANT 2nd IMO
Thanks for the reassurance, I believe also that something new being installed that has a history of more than one breaking at install might not be the best choice for doing it once and done.
Listen to Goinbyyabig , I did the exact same thing and have never had an issue!
Yep I stick with the ARP's. That's not a part I'm willing to cut a corner on.
After hearing all of the negative reports on the Extreme studs, I was a little hesitate to re-use them in the new build. But considering I just finished the 3rd re-torque at 160 lbs, I still think they're pretty sweet.