billet freeze plug leaking


professional he** raiser
Aug 6, 2009
I have a billet freeze plug that just leaks past the bolt. Im guessing I just need to find some of the tiny copper washers to fix this?? Anyone else ever had this problem and if so how did you fix it or who sells them?

This might be a dumb question but have you tried tightening it up? Or did you just see it leaking? I had one leaking a couple weeks ago. It had vibrated loose a 1/2 turn. It hasent leaked since.
ya its very tight. I actually just had them out and painted and when I added antifreeze I heard running water. I looked down and there was a tiny stream coming around the bolt just enough that it wasnt a drip but a constant stream and the bolt was tight as hell.
I would think a small o-ring would work, but never actually had an issue, other then them either not seated correctly or not tight enough.
ya it was fully seated but leaking around the large oring wasnt the problem it was coming through the bolt. Just odd Ill do some searching today, I just wondered if anyone else had such a problem.
what you can do is take the bolt out and heat the copper washer up with a torch. that will soften up the copper washer to like new again .. and then reinstall it ...
Today I looked around for the copper washers and no luck. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to get some if heating them up doesnt work?
You should be able to get a copper washer really close to the same size at any hardware store.
I would think a small o-ring would work, but never actually had an issue, other then them either not seated correctly or not tight enough.

Thanks great idea, worked like a charm:rockwoot: