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May 30, 2007
Please don't link that BS into their vendor forum.
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i hope II will get there head out of there ass and start doing business like they did back in the day when they where acutally good. Now they always wanna rip you off.
Keep in mind I am FAAARRRR from being a mechanic LOL, but after an engine build aren't you supposed to change the oil after 500-1000 miles to help get rid of the lubricants/contaminants in the oil from the build and everything "wearing in"?

On the invoice that the customer SIGNED, it says the motor oil should be changed every 2500-3000miles. That is II's recomendation for their engines and the way to keep the warranty intact.

The motor lost 6quarts of oil? The oil is still in the motor it's sludges up in every spot in can be inside the block. Customer was asked to use a quality diesel oil and it looks like that this wasn't the case after the first oil change that was done.

Brady and crew are top notch and will help out alot when you talk straight with them, bringing this onto the forums and trying to strong arm them when "other" companys already tried to help you and build you motors but "they" supposedly screwed you as well.

Once the motor comes back from the oil analysis I'll open this thread back up and post the results.
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