Care packages for the deployed


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I was thinking this morning on my drive to base how fast the holidays are approaching, and a thought came across my mind of the men and women serving away from home this Christmas.
So I figured the best way I could cheer them up is with a care package. I have a stack of diesel power mags in the closet that I haven't looked at in a while and I could throw some other goodies in there too.
I know CompD is great at supporting the service members, and as one myself I'd like to just get the idea out there to maybe send a care package to someone who could use one.
So if anyone has someone they know would appreciate a care package could you pm me their mailing address and a few things they would appreciate in the package. Or post it on the thread not ire if that'd be allowed.
Thanks to those serving and thanks to CompD
Happy Holidays to all
you can get addresses of places to send stuff if you go to the USO website, good idea and thanks for the support
And don't forget the post office has special boxes for shipping to apo. They're cheap flat rate I think.

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you can fit a lot of stuff into those flat rate boxes. They are cheaper than the regular flat rates and they have a higher weight allowance.
Our unit over here just got bombarded with care packages. It was pretty awesome to see the reaction on the young guys faces when we told them they could take whatever they wanted. You would think we didnt feed them by their reaction.
Our unit over here just got bombarded with care packages. It was pretty awesome to see the reaction on the young guys faces when we told them they could take whatever they wanted. You would think we didnt feed them by their reaction.

I love getting packs of gum and jerky. Its like christmas, in a dirty alley full of bums.

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haha your an idiot. I cant wait for my package to get here. Cori sent all those Diesel Power mags you gave me. Those should last me about a week lol.
haha your an idiot. I cant wait for my package to get here. Cori sent all those Diesel Power mags you gave me. Those should last me about a week lol.

I put a pair of my used boxers in there too, so you have something to remember me by. I even left the streaks in them.

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LMAO and thats why your my best friend. We should probably stop derailing this thread.

why dont you two just get married already GD...just wife got alot of random stuff on her last tour in afghanistan
LMAO and thats why your my best friend. We should probably stop derailing this thread.

Not derailing. We were still. talking about a legit package.

why dont you two just get married already GD...just wife got alot of random stuff on her last tour in afghanistan

Yeah, packages are the best. Sometimes you'll buy stuff online just so you can have something to look forward too in the mail LOL
[Yeah, packages are the best. Sometimes you'll buy stuff online just so you can have something to look forward too in the mail LOL[/QUOTE]

Absolutely True. I get my wife to take pics of the truck parts when they show up at the house for me... but they are "Icky and smell like diesel." lol
[Yeah, packages are the best. Sometimes you'll buy stuff online just so you can have something to look forward too in the mail LOL

Absolutely True. I get my wife to take pics of the truck parts when they show up at the house for me... but they are "Icky and smell like diesel." lol[/QUOTE]

haha sounds like mine