Contingency Program


Say When racing
Jul 28, 2010
Last year you list the Contingency sponsors noticed this years does not list who and what requirements they set are. Any list of these? I know south bend provided if you had product on tow vehicle and such.
LOL well I never thought to go back and click on the link to the left just the one at the bottom of the class and rules page.

Thanks Rob
The year listed in the text under NHRDA Contingency Program is 2011. The sponsors listed in the NHRDA Contingency Sponsors are the current sponsors for 2011. The date is incorrect. Send Randy ( an email pointing out the error.

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Are we ever going to get an update on what products are acceptable for the 100% payout? They all just say proof of product, but what does that include? Like for AFE, is that a full intake or exhaust kit, or does an oil filter count? There are several companies on their that would be nice to know what qualifies.
I only run an AFE air filter, not a full intake system. No problems with AFE contingency. For more info go to the NHRDA site, click on Contact Us, and send an email to Randy.
just read the rules on nhrda's site and am wondering what you guysa are sending the sponsors for your proof of purchase?
just read the rules on nhrda's site and am wondering what you guysa are sending the sponsors for your proof of purchase?

I send a copy of the receipt for the product purchase. If you don't have the receipt see if you can get a copy form your dealer. Other than that send an email to Randy with other questions. His email address is on the NHRDA wesite.
