Coyote OBS conversion?

Jun 4, 2009
very long and exhaust story short, a cousin of mine is an old school gas motor gear head, but has minimal experience.
he always has these pipe dreams that never happens because of family and life in general.
HOWEVER he's put a down payment on a new Supercharged Coyote motor that will cost him around $19,000 (assume he hasn't told his wife) . He's contacted Painless for a custom wiring kit, but doesn't know what that will cost.
his plan is to buy a OBS truck and have it converted over. He "estimated" it can be done for $30,000 . Including buying the truck/motor and be 100% turnkey.

how crazy is he since he will have to pay a shop (no idea who) to do the work and keep it around 30K ?
If he already has $19k in the engine then I cannot see it getting done for $30k with buying the truck and everything else needed.
If he already has $19k in the engine then I cannot see it getting done for $30k with buying the truck and everything else needed.

Agree 100%. Hes smoking crack if he really thinks 30 will get it done, even if he was doing it halfass and by his own labor.
I 1/2 ass jokingly told him be prepared for $50,000 IF he continues down this path.
But I honestly have no idea about anything along these lines.

He's always dreamed big and bragged about it to everyone, but then he crashes hard when reality sets in
$50k is probably more realistic. He has to remember that everything around it has to be top notch. This is going to be a big power engine so the rear end, trans, cooling package, fuel pump, etc... all has to be decent stuff. Which adds up in no time. Granted it will be a bad machine if he finishes it but easily discouraged is an understatement when you start buying the little things.
I predict a brand new coyote engine coming up on the auction block soon. He’s in for a rude awakening.
What I predict after all his previous "adventures" that never unfold, He will back out of it after a few calls and getting estimates, which obviously will be a wide range and will instantly put him upset him because the shop rates will be to high.

Then be mad at whoever he gave the deposit to because hopefully they won't refund him and his stupidity costs him $$
He got screwed in the azz if he paid 19k for a supercharged coyote. Theres one on Ebay right now for 13k and another one for 14.5k.

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Why is he calling painless about wiring stuff that hes not even doing that would be on the shops shoulders, i hated when customers supplied stuff cause it was always wrong. And if people are paying 19k just for a sc coyote im getting back into wrenching on normal vehicles

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his "dreams" are never realistic and never get any further than the "thinking" stages. except for this time when he hopefully loses the deposit when he realizes its not going to happen.

i'll just sit back and watch then tell him I told him so.
I have had people tell me it will never work way too many times. I always spent time collecting parts, find reputable shops to help. I always work harder when I'm told it will never work. why would you find happiness watching someone fail with a project they dream of? Be patient, research do not cheap out on components. You tube is your friend. wish it was around when I was in my 20's
he works for CSX so he's gone few days a week, when he is home he's not "motivated" to do anything. when he is its with his wife and 2 kids.
He won't do any part of it himself. he'll have to pay for it to be done, so I doubt it ever will become anything.
Has he considered finding a used F150 5.0L, tossing a supercharger on it, and making custom body mounts for the OBS? I feel like that'd be a way better way to go. Better handling, less messing with wiring, retain all fancy stuff like traction control, and almost certainly cheaper.