Don't know where to ask so starting here.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Question for the group. Has anyone imported from canada and if so what was done...did the Canadian owner drive it into the states, did you go to Canada and drive it back? How bad is the paperwork process...I'm in AZ and there are lots and lots of snowbirds here, wonder how different of a process it would be if I bought a Canada titled and registered truck already in the states vs going to Canada and getting it. Thanks for any light shed

Mods please feel free to move, but maybe give it a chance to be answered before it goes to the abyss


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Its pretty straight forward I think. You bring it to the board crossing and they inspect it and then if it passes, they give you proper paper work and you can then take it to your local county seat and get it processed. Once at your local county seat it is treated like a vehicle bought out of state.

A couple things though. I don't think you can bring new across, it has to be used. Some Canadian vehicles don't have some of the safety requirements as the vechiles here. Example, not all Canadian Vehicle's have tire pressure monitors, so if you purchase one of them it wont pass inspection.

Normally you could go to Canada and pick it up and bring it across. Its been a few years too since we have done it, so some of the rules and paper work process could have changed.