Exhaust Rule for NADM


Aug 13, 2006
Ok guys this was brought up in NHRDA's forum. It was leaning more toward us so I'm starting a thread for it. The exhaust rule will be enforced this year. You must have upturned exhaust exiting the truck. There are bolt on turnups out there for sale, I will be looking in to getting some for us to have on hand to rent if you do not have one. It was brought up about cars running, if that is the case and the exhaust points to the ground we will let that pass(on cars). If it is coming out straight do something with it. This is mainly for safety, the starting line guys are always complaning about smoke. This all so keeps you from blacking the lights out.

Chuck Rucker
NADM Drag Director
Upward tips is preferred on the fast track, the longer the better!

Plain, shiny or colored, it doesn't matter, makes no sense to cloud the issue!
If the track requests them then what's the problem? The track has many different rules that cost ya money.