Flat bed measurements


Active member
May 19, 2010
Ok im thinkin about swappin in a drw 80 and takin my srw 80 out. But I dont know if my bed is wide enough to make it look right or not. It looks bad enough runnin the singe wheel with a flat bed. I was wonderin if you guys with drw flatbeds could shoot me some measurements.

My idea as of now is to swap in the drw 80 and run 17's on the back and leave my cr singles up front but im kinda lost as to if that would look good. Guys got anything for me?
And i am correct that a chassis cab rear is 2" narrower than a srw and a regular drw is 2" wider?
I think the single wheel flatbeds look pretty sweet to me. U have to have wide tires for the look though. My bed on my dually is 96" outside the rub rail but the fenders stick out another 3" on either side. I also have a single wheel Flatbed that I think is pretty clean. Its an 85 chevy k20 with 15" wide tires on it.
@ Chase, Im about 90% sure that I got those measurements from one of Forrests' post some where. Cant remember.

@ AceWilson- This is not my defenition of good looking LOL
Truck with car.jpg

Im still unsure if my grand plan will look good or not even if the bed is wide enough. Im gonna meausure it today and see how wide mine is. I dont think its gonna work.
It looks ok but would be a lot better if there was a little skirt around the bed and wider tires
See I dont even think that would work. Im blessed with having a turd!