Highs and lows


Apr 2, 2007
Semi unlikely i'll need water injection but I'm curious if it'd be a huge gain going with a 500-1000psi system compared to a 250psi system. Either would need to be progressive. Would be nice to build one using a couple shurflo 250psi pumps to keep the volume and pressure up with multiple nozzles. A nice budget DIY kit would prob consist of 4 small nozzles, plumbing, couple pumps, and a controller. I'm also a firm believer in buy once cry once though.
Depends on how much you need it, are you going to run an intercooler?
Yes w/a of some sort. Maybe FB maybe a more expensive custom sized unit.
Nah, you shouldn't need water injection considering the amount of air you have, and your intended power level.
I didn't think so. But maybe another guy on here can find the thread useful. I can understand higher atomization of water is much better. Just curious of how much improvement.
Looks like nobody else has responded, so I might as well throw in a few more cents worth of advice. Modified Pullers use roughly 26 times the amount of water that a Snow kit can put out to control EGT, so if you are going to use water, might as well get a serious one. Buddy of mine tried a Snow kit on a 100psi 13mm pump truck that ran hot, and he said it was "..like trying to piss out a house fire." LOL

It's not that the low pressure kits are bad, they're just designed for about 300-500hp.